NOTE: The Book is being updated and we are currently out-of-stock on this product. You may order the DVD here:
Creation Ministries International (CMI) undertook a major new offensive to take even more ground in the battle to proclaim the truth of the Bible. The aim was to simply and concisely expose evolution’s fatal weaknesses.
It culminated in 2014 with the completion of a milestone book, and a 96-minute DVD documentary, both called Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels.
Appropriately, the Achilles’ heels of evolution are often in the very areas widely considered to be impregnable strongholds of this belief system. These areas are the topics systematically covered in both the book and documentary. They are:
CMI believes evolution theory has no answer to these weaknesses, once properly explained and understood. The book is authored exclusively by 9 Ph.D. scientists. The documentary involves even more PhD scientists, 15 in all, and features striking footage and brilliant computer animations. All of these scientists received their doctorates from similar, secular universities as their evolutionist counterparts. Each is a specialist in various relevant fields.
In ancient Greek mythology, the great warrior, Achilles, was dipped into the river Styx by his mother to make him immune from all attacks. Holding him by the ankle, she failed to immerse his heel, and this led to his undoing. In common vernacular, an ‘Achilles’ heel’ describes a fatal weakness in spite of apparent overall strength and invulnerability.
CMI anticipates that the involvement of this number of science specialists, in addition to the power of the arguments themselves, will cause at least a proportion of evolution-believers to sit up and listen.
The book and DVD represent a direct, targeted demolition aimed at the very pillars of the foundational belief system underpinning our now-secular culture. It’s also part of the biblical command to reach the lost with the Bible’s Good News.
In a nutshell, it’s a comprehensive outreach tool like no other (see also 2 Corinthians 10:5). CMI’s prayer is that this documentary will eventually be seen by millions through being screened in churches, television broadcasts, and by many millions more through personal DVD distribution.
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