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Creation Training


Contact us at 970-523-9943 or for more information on upcoming or prerecorded events.

In addition to our informative seminars, Alpha Omega Institute offers a variety of training opportunities for those who want to learn more about creation, science, ministry and evangelism. Take a look, and see if one of our offerings is right for you!

Explore for yourself some of our favorite evidences here and also here!


Online Conferences & Online Classes

So many people are falling for the lies and deceptions of our culture. Our goal at Alpha Omega Institute is to train and equip people that they may know that they can trust the Word of God. We desire to teach God’s Word, as it is written and intended and that the scientific evidences all around us do confirm the Truth of God and the Bible. In an effort to reach out and share this valuable creation information (and ultimately, the gospel) with more people, we, at AOI, are developing more and more online classes.
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The Discover Creation Club

If you are looking for a club or group to plug into, we have a number of options for you:   Pray with us for God to be glorified this year as we seek to serve you, the church, and the lost – so Please Pray & Join Us!!                  Location: Alpha Omega Institute – 1011 N 10th St in GJ                  Contact Brian Mariani –       ...
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Truth Matters

We meet at Alpha Omega Institute (1011 N 10th St) One block south of the CMU campus Thursday nights 6-8 PM (Free homemade dinner) A time of teaching, discussion and fellowship   Next Field Trip September 19th, 5 PM- Fossil Hunting (Rabbit Valley) Bring your own sack supper and water.  Meet at the AOI (1011 N. 10th St).  We will caravan out to the fossil hunting site.   Wanting to dig deeper? Look here for...
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