Creation vs. Evolution Crash Class

Don’t let this happen to your students!!


Join this FREE 3-session Creation Evolution Crash Class:



This Is Our Goal:


Parents, Grandparents: Help your students Stand Firm against evolution and anti-God indoctrination. You can watch this with or without them. Join us for this and ongoing faith-building evidence that supports Creation and the Truth of the Bible!


Why is this important? 70-85% of students from evangelical church homes leave the church by the time they graduate from college. But this indoctrination starts in elementary and especially in middle and high school. Your kids are getting hammered by pro-evolution and anti-God philosophies!


Homeschoolers are not exempt! “Safe viewing” channels and other media aren’t all that safe either! Also, “friends” from church, and even other homeschoolers introduce your children to atheistic and other websites which can have a serious impact on their faith if they are not adequately prepared to answer those hard (and even easy) questions. Here are two unfortunate cases that we have experienced:


1. Parent: “I wish you were here 5 years ago. My son was so active in the church! Now he won’t have anything to do with it.”


2. Conversation with a University Student. [Her father is a pastor. She was directing a campus Atheist group where we were speaking.]

Mary Jo: “When did you quit believing in God?”

Student: “6 weeks into my freshman year while taking a biology class.”


Note: These are not isolated cases. We have heard this same faith – smashing indoctrination scenario way too often! By the way, the arguments her professor put forth for evolution and against the Bible have very good answers. She was not prepared.


We can help!  AOI is noted for concise, easy to understand, amazingly illustrated, and impactful sessions. Students (or parents) who register and take part in the crash course and want a lot more, will be able to receive FREE ongoing, information to further equip them for what they are facing now or are about to face.


Yes, this is FREE, but AOI appreciates your donations so we can continue offering this kind of instruction.


Don’t let your student’s faith be run over. Register now by submitting the form below.


Live Zoom: Tues-Thurs, Jan 30 – Feb 1

Tuesday: Biology / Design

Wednesday: Fossils & Darwin

Thursday: Flood – Fact or Fiction?

6:30 – 8:00 PM (Mountain Time) + Q&A

(Replays will be available!)

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