The Big Bang Theory is the most-widely accepted theory of the origin of the universe among evolutionary scientists. Many Christians (evolutionist and otherwise) also endorse the idea, concluding that if God did create the universe all at once, there most certainly would have been a loud noise. The Big Bang Theory says that all the “stuff” in the universe was at one time jammed into a ball less than the size of the head of a pin, including everything we know of: the...
Read MoreBirds in Flight
Flying birds are compact, well-integrated flying machines capable of producing the large amounts of energy necessary for flight. Their powerful wings are properly shaped to utilize the physical principles of moving air. In addition, the wing size and shape varies with species, according to the size of the bird and its speed and type of flight. In fact, birds can often be identified by their characteristic flight pattern. The feathers of a bird serve to streamline the...
Read MoreWonders of Creation Astronomy Book

This Biblically based book by Dr. Danny Faulkner is a great introduction to the universe that will capture the attention of any budding astronomer. Every page has color pictures with text to beautifully illustrate your journey through the universe. Faulkner uses a logical progression starting with what is astronomy and the overwhelming immensity of the universe. Before the galactic tour begins, he has two very interesting chapters: “Why did God Create the Heavenly...
Read MoreThe Moon: Critical to Life on Earth
In 1991 some scientists advocated blowing up the moon. According to Don DeYoung and John Whitcomb, in Our Created Moon, this idea originated with American math professor Alexander Abian. He believed that the destruction of the moon would eliminate severe climates and ultimately end world hunger. However, the situation is quite the opposite. DeYoung and Whitcomb say that without the moon, the earth’s axis would swing erratically due to the gravitational pull from other...
Read MoreNew March/April Newsletter Online Now
We wanted to let all of our readers know that we have posted the newest Think and Believe and Kids Think and Believe, Too! to the website. I have provided the links below. New articles like “Why Creation Vacations?” and “Moon Origins?” are there for your education and encouragement. For kids we have the article,”Not Just a Bible Story,” as well as games. Please forward on links to our website to any friend who may be edified or challenged. Again, we would like...
Read MoreThe Moon: Test Your Knowledge
Q: True or False? The age of moon rocks is what secular scientists use to determine the age of the solar system. A: True (and False). The assigned age of 4.6 billion years for the solar system is based on radioisotope study of moon rocks and meteorites. However, check our web (use the Discover Creation Search Engine) to understand the problems with these dating methods. Q: True or False? Most earth rocks tend to yield younger radioisotope ages than moon rocks. A: True....
Read MoreMale Praying Mantis: Plight or Passion?
Personally, praying mantises give me the “creeps.” I am not like a friend of mine who, as a child, kept a praying mantis named, “Barbara” in his bedroom. To me, there has always been something sinister and austere about them. After reading about their reproductive habits, I had more reason to feel this way. As a part of the mating process, the male praying mantis is actually eaten by the female! If a male is lucky, the female will wait until during or after the ritual...
Read MoreThe Amazing Platypus
When specimens of the duckbill platypus were first sent to England in the late 1700’s, many English scientists thought it was a fraud. It plainly didn’t fit well in any of the categories of animals known at that time. Was it a bird, a reptile, a mammal or a combination of all of these? The platypus is an extremely interesting creature. It has fur like a mammal but it lays soft, leathery eggs like a reptile. Usually 1-3 eggs are laid in a nest built by the mother...
Read MoreAntarctic Fish with Antifreeze!
Think of how many times we have said, “It sure is cold this winter. Global warming nothing — it isn’t happening here!” Sometimes it would seem our blood is ready to freeze in our veins. So we crank up the heat in the house and head for the auto store to get extra antifreeze for the car. We throw extra blankets on the bed and snuggle in with a good issue of Think & Believe for comfort! Bears hibernate in their dens and other animals put on thicker fur coats, but what...
Read MoreOut of the Mouth of Babes
Most linguists agree that children are born as universalists; meaning that they have the potential to speak any language. It is obvious that speech patterns become more ordered and sophisticated as a child grows. However, for spoken language to develop, the links between the phases of development must be exact and complete before the next phase can be achieved. For example, if a child is interrupted in one stage of development by trauma or lack of stimulation, it is...
Read MoreAOI’s Newsletters
I was able to get the Kids Think & Believe Too! newsletter finished and ready for the printer before the busyness of Christmas season took over. AOI publishes an adult newsletter and a children’s newsletter every 2 months. Dave and Mary Jo Nutting, along with occasional guest writers, write the articles for Think and Believe, and then have graphic artist Mark Sonmor add the artwork and layout. I (with occasional help from my wife Marilyn) write the Kids Think...
Read MoreThe Miracle of the Incarnation
One of the greatest doctrines, and greatest mysteries, of the Christian faith is the incarnation of Jesus Christ, in which our holy, transcendent Creator took on human flesh and became man. Scripture clearly teaches this truth, and we accept it by faith, yet those of us with inquiring minds still have many questions. Henry Morris, in his book, Biblical Creationism, discusses some of these questions at length. The following ideas are condensations of his suggestions. While...
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