There is a dinosaur on the loose in Chadron, NE.! Some men in the Chadron Berean church built a life-size dinosaur that they put on the back of a flatbed trailer. They have been moving it about town for several weeks promoting the Family Vacation Bible School. It is now sitting at the church as we do the VBS. They have been feeding 150 to 200 people every night – hot dogs with all the trimmings, potato chips, drinks, and snow cones. The snow cones have been a big hit...
Read MoreFollow Up
One of the great blessings of this ministry is seeing children come to the Lord. This summer, in only 2 weeks of Vacation Bible Schools, we have already seen 23 children respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ! They are “babes” in Christ with an excitement and eagerness that is heartwarming … they are ‘on fire’ for Jesus. As we all know, a fire takes fuel. In Pr. 26:20 we read, “Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth.”...
Read MoreHelp us in India
I have been traveling and teaching in India every winter for the last three years, and one request that I repeatedly receive from my Indian Christian friends is the crucial need for good laptop computers. Many of the Christians there are very poor and cannot afford them. We all know the blessing that this technology can bring in education and learning. This will help run items such as Bible software and other critical tools in a ministry environment. If you are able,...
Read MoreA “Scientist,” but not a Christian?
Mary Jo & I just had a parent tell us that their son recently told her that he wanted to be a “scientist,” not a Christian. Oh, my! He is certainly suffering under the influence of too many who are telling him, “If you want to be a scientist you have to leave your faith out of it.” To make matters worse, the son was getting this at a private “religious” school! Lanny Johnson had just finished writing an article for the next issue of Kids Think and Believe which...
Read MoreHow Shall They Hear?
I get excited as summer draws near. Summer is the time for Vacation Bible Schools and Bible camps. What an opportunity to be able to share God’s Word with kids. Many people are under the impression that VBS’s and Bible camps are only for churched kids … however, we see a lot of kids that have never set foot in a church attend these events. Many times, this is the first time they have ever heard about Biblical creation or about what Jesus did upon the cross for them –...
Read MoreHome Again
We often talk about “road time,” because that’s when we are “out there” speaking and connecting with people, but what about “home time?” Of course, when you first get home, there is unpacking, laundry, sorting mail, paying bills, touching bases with family, and “catching up” on business. Then, whatever you would “normally” do on weekends and evenings now needs to be squeezed into half the time. Home maintenance suffers and “To Do” lists mount up. Friends begin to think you...
Read MoreBlahg, blahg, blahg
Alpha Omega Institute has finally entered the blogosphere! We are excited to add this new relational component to help us stay connected with you, our support and readership. You can follow just one team, or all the teams. Stay up to date as the Nuttings are on the road, as the Johnsons teach 100 kids from age 5 to 15 (prayer is always helpful – how do they do it!), follow Rich as he sets his sights on foreign lands, or catch up with the Galbraiths in their...
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