Posted on Apr 5, 2023 in Blog Posts, Creation Nuggets, Marianis from the Front | 2 comments
Read MoreFish hearts, nerves, and even embryos with umbilical cords intricately preserved in the fossils!!

Then on top of all that, listen to this: “Evolutionist Kenneth Kardong discussed the supposed evolutionary origin of jaws, “Such work is at the moment under way using molecular and genetic probes, but these have so far produced unsettled and somewhat contradictory results.” At this critical juncture there is no fossil evidence of such a strange transition, so an unscientific appeal is made to a large evolutionary leap.” So, what do you think, is there really evidence...
Read MoreTurtle Time #5: Turtles – Hopeful Monsters!!

“Systematist and reptile expert Olivier Rieppel stated that a big “problem for an evolutionary biologist is to explain these transformations in the context of a gradualistic process.” Rieppel concludes that turtles could not have evolved by any gradual process, so they must be an example of ‘hopeful monsters’, a result of major mutations that cause very rapid evolution called punctuated equilibrium.” Read this AMAZING article here:...
Read MoreTurtle Time #4: Designed Turtle Shells!!

“The shell design suggests “daring architectural design with innovative engineering.” Although the main function of the turtle shell is protection, it also serves as a reservoir for water, fat, and wastes and also functions as an effective pH buffer.” Read this AMAZING article here: Picture from: accessed...
Read MoreTurtle Time #3: No Conclusive Turtle Transitional Fossils!!

– Even a supposed 220 million years ago, turtles had clear shells and look like modern turtles!! “More fossils and more research has only resulted in biologists telling “dueling stories of how turtles got their shells”.” “A huge chasm exists between turtles and their proposed reptilian ancestors. The latest claims of evolutionary links totally fail to bridge this large gap. The origin of turtles remains one of the most problematic claims of evolution and all efforts...
Read MoreTurtle Time #2: How did the shoulder blade get inside the ribs??

““Remarkable changes in [both] the skeleton and internal organs” were required to evolve turtles from non-turtles.”” “Another required change concerns the scapulae (‘shoulder blades’), which in other vertebrates are located outside of the rib cage, except in turtles, where they are located inside the rib cage (along with the humerus and several other bones).” “Why is it that uniquely in turtles the shoulder blade lies inside the ribcage, instead of being located...
Read MoreTurtle Time #1: Turtles From Space!!

“The fact is, “The early evolution of turtles continues to be a contentious issue in vertebrate paleontology.” Thus, “scientists who study the evolution of these animals have a running joke: turtles might as well have come from space.”” Read this AMAZING article here: Picture from: and...
Read MoreWhere are all the human fossils??

If there was a worldwide flood, where are all the human fossils?? A More Challenging Question: If humanoids have evolved from ape-like ancestors over the last 6-12 million years, where are all the human fossils and graves?? See answers to these questions here: Picture from: accessed...
Read MoreA swimming school of fish frozen in sand!
It must have been a really rapid burial event!! “The scientific team also highlighted a number of other fascinating examples of what they called “frozen behaviours” in fossils: “examples include fighting dinosaurs, queueing trilobites and insects in copulation. These fossils are assumed to result from rapid burial, which preserves individual positions during interactions”. Yes indeed, but this is completely contrary to the uniformitarian ‘slow-n-gradual’...
Read MoreIs the Old-Age Soft-Tissue Problem Solved??

Recently, someone shared a possible solution to the Soft-Tissue Challenges for millions-of-years models. ( I see the advancements there for trying to preserve these chemicals for millions of years, but as I did a little more research, there still seem to be reasons to be skeptical (as we ought to be as scientists, right?!). Definitely a topic that we will need to keep studying! I...
Read MoreDino Bones Found Near the North Pole!

“This would give the region about 120 days of total darkness each year, making it difficult for dinosaurs to survive in such an extreme cold climate.1 Evolutionary theory provides no explanation for why dinosaurs would be buried in such environments—but Bible-based Flood geology does. For 70 years now, dinosaurs found in supposedly polar climates have baffled secular paleontologists due to the cold conditions they would have faced and the long periods of darkness...
Read MoreBent Rock Layers – Evidence of the Flood!

“Normally, solid rock cannot bend without breaking, so this leaves only two options for bending: either the rock layer was bent while still soft, shortly after being deposited by water, or after the layer had fully hardened, it was bent by pressures which made the rock plastic, like playdough. Geologists who believe the layers were laid down over millions of years accept the latter option.” One geologist’s in-depth, four year study concludes: “By comparing the...
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