The Aldabra Rail supposedly evolved flight and lost flight…3 TIMES??? Check it out here: “that loss of flight happened at least three times in the white-throated rail. The same kind of change happening in an organism, with the same result, is called “iterative evolution”. The probability of the same organ being affected on different occasions over tens to hundreds of thousands of years in the same species is very small indeed. The question also arises as to why the...
Read MoreThe Theory of Evolution Still Can’t Explain…
“We still don’t have a mechanism to account for the big structural changes that must have taken place: evolving from asexual to sexual, from single-cell to multi-cell, and the big one—going from non-life to a single cell that has DNA, has proteins capable of reading the DNA and using it to make new proteins including an exact copy of itself!” Read more about this here:...
Read MoreIs the Evolutionary Tree Simple or Too Complex?

“The flora and fauna on this planet do not arrange nicely into branching diagrams of heredity. Phenomena like ‘evolutionary convergence’ are entirely unexpected situations where life refuses to establish a branching diagram—good examples are the armadillo and pangolin. Some creatures have such an unusual mixture of features that evolutionists cannot agree what branch they belong on—a great example is the aye-aye (a nocturnal primate—maybe—of Madagascar).” Read...
Read MoreNatural Selection…DESIGNED us??
Richard Dawkins stated: “I think it’s something we need to be proud of our species for; because our species, every species, is designed by natural selection to survive in its world. We were never designed by natural selection to understand modern physics; and yet our brains, amazingly through emergent properties, are capable of reaching way, way outside the bounds that our evolution apparently set for us. I think it’s, I’m very proud to be human.” Is that the most...
Read MoreDelayed Implantation – I Didn’t Even Know That Was Possible!!
“Skunks may mate in the winter and the young are born in the spring. But sometimes they will mate in summer or autumn, triggering a most unusual event. The fertilized egg floats freely for several weeks, (or even as long as 180–200 days in the spotted skunk) and then implants on the uterus. This complicated process, known as delayed implantation, allows the animals to mate in summer or autumn and still bear young in the spring when food is plentiful and the...
Read MoreA Dino with 3 birds in its tummy!!
So here we have fully formed birds in a dino’s tummy – showing they existed together and not to say that their evolution is impossible, but there is yet again no evidence of evolution here! How long can a theory last without evidence?!?! See more about the significance of this here:...
Read MoreNew Animals Out of Nowhere!
“Evolutionists think most animal phyla arose in a 5–15 million-year period in the Cambrian. Question: why hasn’t diversification within animals produced new phyla since the ‘explosion’ of phyla in the Cambrian? If evolution could do it then, why not now?” See more detail here:
Bats have the extraordinary ability to close their ears as they send sonar signals and reopen them in time to hear returning echos. They do this at the incredible rate of 50 to 60 times per second. Studying the bat’s unique method of detecting objects has allowed scientists to discover the principles of sonar. Using these principles, mankind has produced sensitive detection instruments of his own. As complex and sensitive as our sonar detection systems are, they...
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