Created this way??

Created this way??

Posted on Dec 13, 2022 in Creation Nuggets | 1 comment

  In certain species of Anglerfish, the males are too weak after birth and so they immediately look for a female. “Once the male finds a female, he quickly latches onto her with his teeth to start a process that sounds like the stuff of science fiction. The male begins to fuse his body to the female, and his body enlarges like a deformed tumour. As it grows, it begins to lose limbs and organs. Its fins fall off, its eyes cease to function, and it ceases to have its own...

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Going down, down, down!!

Going down, down, down!!

Posted on Jan 20, 2022 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “Mendel’s Accountant is the most accurate software available for realistically simulating evolutionary genetic models. It was created by the Institute for Creation Research. Crude forerunners of this software were created earlier by evolutionists, but, since the software did not support their theory, they abandoned it. Mendel’s Accountant shows that mutations accumulate in a highly linear manner. In other words, almost all mutations do not have a noticeable...

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Does Covid-19 Provide Evidence of Evolution?

Does Covid-19 Provide Evidence of Evolution?

Posted on Dec 2, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  Mutations have occurred causing the new strains of the COVID-19 Virus. “Changes like this are expected. This does not mean the virus is ‘evolving’. In fact, over time viral infectivity should wane. As each viral strain in circulation picks up more and more mutations, it should become less and less robust. This is the essence of genetic entropy and we saw it happen within the human H1N1 virus. Yet, the process took decades in H1N1 and SARS-CoV-2 has only been...

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Genetics Points to a Young Earth!

Genetics Points to a Young Earth!

Posted on Nov 18, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  Great Summary: “The new Y-chromosome genetic data brings a huge challenge to the secular science community. While discussing the ramifications of this, Jeanson recently stated: “I’m anxious to see how the evolutionists try to dismiss this second, independent line of genetic evidence for the young-earth timescale. Not only do they have to explain why the data contradict evolution, they have to also explain why the data are such a tight match with the predictions...

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Not Enough Mutations for Evolutionary Time!!

Not Enough Mutations for Evolutionary Time!!

Posted on Nov 16, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “They noted that if humans have actually been around for several hundred thousand years or more, according to RAO they should have accumulated 8 to 59 times the amount of mutations that we currently observe in Y chromosomes worldwide. Quite notably, they empirically proved that we can only observe about 4,500 years of mutation accumulation in all of human paternal ancestry, as documented in the record of the human Y chromosome.” Read more here:...

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Genetic Evidence for the three daughter-in-laws of Noah!!

Posted on Nov 9, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 2 comments

  “Jeanson showed how major mitochondrial DNA lineages followed a maternal ancestry back to the three wives of Noah’s sons (figure 2).22” “Figure 2. An unrooted mitochondrial DNA tree representing 369 individuals of different ethnicities. The large block arrows point to the three major branch nodes believed to correspond to the wives of Noah’s three sons (from Jeanson22)” Read more here:...

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5-10 Thousand Not Hundreds of Thousands!!

5-10 Thousand Not Hundreds of Thousands!!

Posted on Nov 2, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  Here is great Genetic Evidence that the human race all traced back only several thousand years not hundreds of thousands as assumed by evolutionary models!! “Research by both secular and creation scientists indicates a date of modern human origins of not more than 5,000 to 10,000 years (reviewed by Tomkins in 2015).12 For the purposes of this current review, I will briefly summarize these earlier findings before describing more recent efforts that confirm and...

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Did Humans Evolve to Drink Milk?

Did Humans Evolve to Drink Milk?

Posted on Mar 4, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments Yeah, that article was interesting. I think there are a lot of factors weighing in here. And I also found this article: 1). Evolutionists have very different assumptions regarding the years/ages of human history. So the mutation if they say it was 6,000 years ago – may be more like 4,000 years ago in our timescale. So if they say they had...

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Improving the Encyclopedia – 1 Letter at a Time??

Posted on Feb 25, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  Mutations are mistakes. “These mistakes are almost never helpful. Could you ever expect to improve an encyclopedia by adding more and more spelling mistakes every time one is printed? The evolutionary literature acknowledges this very clearly: Even the simplest of living organisms are highly complex. Mutations—indiscriminate alterations of such complexity—are much more likely to be harmful than beneficial.5 And: In summary, the vast majority of mutations are...

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The New Marbled Crayfish – Asexually Populating Europe and Africa!!

Posted on Apr 16, 2020 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “This new example of the success of asexual reproduction adds to the existing problem that evolutionists have (and many acknowledge) of explaining how and why sexual reproduction arose. If it is supposed to have been because of the alleged advantage of sex, this crayfish shows that an organism can be spectacularly successful just by cloning itself. So why should evolution ‘bother’ to evolve sexual reproduction in the first place?” Conclusion: This is NOT evidence for...

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Posted on Apr 14, 2020 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

If a person were to drink even 1/10 the amount of salt water that a seagull drinks, he would become extremely dehydrated.  The secret of the gull’s ability to drink salt water lies in a special pair of glands located just above its eyes. Many fine blood vessels surround these glands, and the glands act as a desalination membrane to extract salt from the blood.   It has taken mankind thousands of years and enormous amounts of money and research to develop similar membranes...

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