“The past fifty years of biological research have found that life is fundamentally based upon: A vast amount of complex and specified information encoded in a biochemical language. A computer-like system of commands and codes that processes the information. Irreducibly complex molecular machines and multi-machine systems. Where, in our experience, do language, complex and specified information, programming code, and machines come from? They have only one known...
Read MoreMore complex and different than we thought!
“How does the first cell of a developing embryo determine which end is which? The answer is that genetic information provides instructions for the orienting of the organism (left vs right, front vs back, head vs tail). It has now been discovered that genes used for orienting embryos are not conserved across different species, but are different in even ‘closely related’ species… …Evolutionists would not have predicted these results because they are contrary to the...
Read MoreImproving the Encyclopedia – 1 Letter at a Time??
Mutations are mistakes. “These mistakes are almost never helpful. Could you ever expect to improve an encyclopedia by adding more and more spelling mistakes every time one is printed? The evolutionary literature acknowledges this very clearly: Even the simplest of living organisms are highly complex. Mutations—indiscriminate alterations of such complexity—are much more likely to be harmful than beneficial.5 And: In summary, the vast majority of mutations are...
Read MoreNaturally Developed or Designed??
“A skyscraper begins with a plan, compiled by a team of architects and engineers. Even a very large tree begins with a tiny seed, often no bigger than a pinhead. But it is crammed with complex programmed information that controls its development into a living giant (see box [in the article]). It takes a mountain of materials such as cement, sand, and steel to be brought to the site to build a skyscraper. But the tree seedling accomplishes the build-up of its...
Read MoreHow can we change something to create something sooooooooooooooooooooooooo complex?
“The development of new functions is the only thing important for evolution. We are not talking about small functional changes, but radical ones. Some organism had to learn how to convert sugars to energy. Another had to learn how to take sunlight and turn it into sugars. Another had to learn how to take light and turn it into an interpretable image in the brain. These are not simple things, but amazing processes that involve multiple steps, and functions that...
Read More“Neither Simple nor Primitive!”
“When a predator comes close to a certain species of jellyfish, the jellyfish turns off the lights in its bell-shaped body and turns on the lights at the end of its tentacles. Then the jellyfish stretches its body as far as possible from its tentacles. As the predator approaches the lighted tentacles, the jellyfish switches off all its lights and scoots away as fast as it can. If the predator wasn’t fooled and wants to continue the chase, the jellyfish switches...
Read MoreEvolution Naturally or Evidence of a Creator??
Is This Evidence of a New Way to Evolve or Evidence of Increased Design and Complexity (Evidence of a Creator)?? “You can think of DNA instructions as a recipe, while RNA is the chef that orchestrates the cooking in the kitchen of each cell, producing necessary proteins that keep the whole organism going. But RNA doesn’t just blindly execute instructions – occasionally it improvises with some of the ingredients, changing which proteins are produced in the...
Read MoreThis is SO CRAZY!! – – HOW COULD THIS EVOLVE?!?!
“The Maculinea arion is a large blue butterfly that goes through an extraordinary life cycle. The female Maculinea arion lays eggs one at a time on the buds of the wild thyme plant. In the fall, the caterpillar hatches and feeds on the thyme for about three weeks. Then it leaves the plant, never to eat vegetation again. On the ground, the caterpillar finds a red ant whose colony is near the thyme plant. The ant strokes the caterpillar with its antennae, and...
Read MoreThe First Cell – Evolutionists can’t explain it!
Evolutionists admit that the origin of the first cell is one of the most difficult problems for their theory. This is because the very first cell had to include a fantastic amount of stored information. It had to have a substantial number of complex molecular machines to maintain the cell, produce energy, and more. And it had to be able to reproduce itself by dividing. The cell cycle is present in all life forms, from simple bacteria to humans. It is a design element...
Read MoreChemists Don’t Understand Evolution!
A world-famous chemist (and all the other chemists) don’t understand evolution! There were too many great quotes from this article – check it out: “I will tell you as a scientist and a synthetic chemist: if anybody should be able to understand evolution, it is me, because I make molecules for a living, and I don’t just buy a kit, and mix this and mix this, and get that. I mean, ab initio, I make molecules. I understand how hard it is to make molecules. I understand...
Read MoreHuman Skin – Simply Evolved? Or Complex and Designed??
“The human skin is one of the body’s most vital organs. It is the largest organ of the human body, weighing more than the brain, liver, or heart. Its many components, which work together to accomplish a plethora of specific functions, clearly indicate that our skin was designed. Consider the following: The skin keeps out harmful bacteria. It serves as a waterproof wall to hold in our body fluids. Its pigment shields us from the sun’s harmful rays. Our skin absorbs...
If a person were to drink even 1/10 the amount of salt water that a seagull drinks, he would become extremely dehydrated. The secret of the gull’s ability to drink salt water lies in a special pair of glands located just above its eyes. Many fine blood vessels surround these glands, and the glands act as a desalination membrane to extract salt from the blood. It has taken mankind thousands of years and enormous amounts of money and research to develop similar membranes...
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