Home Again

Posted on May 27, 2010 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

We often talk about “road time,” because that’s when we are “out there” speaking and connecting with people, but what about “home time?” Of course, when you first get home, there is unpacking, laundry, sorting mail, paying bills, touching bases with family, and “catching up” on business. Then, whatever you would “normally” do on weekends and evenings now needs to be squeezed into half the time. Home maintenance suffers and “To Do” lists mount up. Friends begin to think you...

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Posted on May 25, 2010 in Johnsons from the Front | 0 comments

Now don’t get me wrong … I am a Young Earth Creationist and believe that each day of Creation was a literal 24 hour period. However, about a week before leaving on major road trips, I begin to wish God had made the days a little longer. Even with all the planning, there never seems to be enough time to get everything done. Get all the fluids changed in the vehicle to hopefully make it road worthy – Get all the repairs that NEED repairing on the home done  (the 2nd Law of...

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Blahg, blahg, blahg

Posted on May 21, 2010 in Blog Posts | 0 comments

   Alpha Omega Institute has finally entered the blogosphere!  We are excited to add this new relational component to help us stay connected with you, our support and readership.  You can follow just one team, or all the teams.  Stay up to date as the Nuttings are on the road, as the Johnsons teach 100 kids from age 5 to 15 (prayer is always helpful – how do they do it!), follow Rich as he sets his sights on foreign lands, or catch up with the Galbraiths in their...

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