Even though we live in times of instant communication, I still enjoy receiving a personal, handwritten letter – especially if it contains good news, a personal testimony, or words of encouragement. Well, we recently received such a letter from one of our former students. She wrote, “Your ministry has encouraged me and taught me to think critically.” She went on to tell us about a workshop on early childhood development she had attended. The speaker was a prominent Ph.D....
Read MoreMeditation in Song
Do you ever get a song stuck in your head and find yourself singing it over and over again? It can be really annoying if it’s some dumb advertising ditty, but at times, I find it is a way in which God speaks to me. I remember a time several years ago when I was standing in line in an office supply store. As usual, I was in a hurry – and the line was oh so long and the service soooooo slow and I was getting really frustrated and impatient. After awhile I noticed I had a song...
Read MoreVacation Travel Helps Kids Achieve
For years, we have called our Creation Family Mountain Adventures, “Vacations With a Purpose.” We designed them to be times of family fun and learning together in God’s great creation. Now we have further “fuel” for our thinking. “According to a press release … from VacationBetter.org, ‘Analysis of a U.S. Department of Education study found that children who travel over summer break … did better in reading, math, and general knowledge than their peers who didn’t vacation.’ ...
Read MoreArguing With God
Does God have a sense of humor? I think so. When I see what God has me doing today, it makes me smile. He was able to take me, at the age of 40, an evolutionary atheist, and change my whole life. Of course, that is what God is in the business of doing … changing lives. Once His truth was revealed to me, I truly did become a new creature. Yet this change was not without some grumbling. I really did not expect God to call me into full time ministry. It was something I...
Read MoreBut Only God Can Make A Tree
We came home the other night after 3 weeks out teaching VBS’. It was good to get home for a little R&R before we head out to do 3 more VBS’, a Bible camp, and several churches yet this summer. The first thing we did as we climbed out of our motorhome was to head towards our pond. Ryan (one of our son-in-laws) had reported a great wind had come through earlier in the week and blew over the willow tree by the pond. He was right … there it lay with its roots exposed to the...
Read MoreSharing the Gospel with a Hindu
Recently, I was talking with two women I had just met. I found out that one of the women was familiar with creation evidences. After talking a short time, she asked if we might be available to do a program in her church. At that, the other woman also invited us to her town. When I asked if she attended a church that would be interested in a seminar, she said she went to a Hindu temple. Now that would be interesting! I asked her what Hinduism teaches about evolution. She...
Read MoreFaith Cometh By Hearing
After a VBS session last night, a young man in high school approached Marilyn and I, asking if we would be willing to talk to him. This was shortly after a presentation of the gospel message. We spent about an hour with him, and without disclosing any of the private conversation that occurred, we came to the conclusion that he did believe in what Jesus did on the cross. However, he admitted that he was not following the Lord in practice and had fallen into the wrong crowd....
Read More“And God Created the Great Whales” …. Genesis 1:21
Living in Grand Junction on the edge of the desert, we don’t get to see God’s ocean creatures “up close and personal.” However, on the past trip to Oregon, we had the privilege and pleasure of meeting Carrie Newell, a marine biologist and whale researcher. Carrie has been studying whales for the past 18 years, and is a wealth of knowledge about them (and other sea creatures). She shared many fascinating details about their lives, diet, reproduction, and migration patterns....
Read MoreA Raging Storm
A few evenings ago, my wife and I sought shelter in a basement from a possible tornado. We were in our motorhome, parked next to a country church where we were teaching a Vacation Bible School. Late that night, it began to rain and blow with great intensity. A spectacular storm was underway! Outside, lightning was flashing almost continuously making the inside of the motorhome light up like a strobe light. This astonishing light show was accompanied by the reverberating...
Read MoreIcons of Evolution
Several years ago, I was teaching at a public forum in Alaska about “The Biogenetic Law: Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny”. Essentially, this is the evolutionary idea that as we form in the womb, the human embryo will look like the animals we evolved from. After showing a picture of Haeckel’s drawing of recapitulation (the ones that have been shown to be a fraud), an evolutionary professor interrupted to state that picture was no longer being shown in the textbooks. There...
Read MoreHow Shall They Hear?
I get excited as summer draws near. Summer is the time for Vacation Bible Schools and Bible camps. What an opportunity to be able to share God’s Word with kids. Many people are under the impression that VBS’s and Bible camps are only for churched kids … however, we see a lot of kids that have never set foot in a church attend these events. Many times, this is the first time they have ever heard about Biblical creation or about what Jesus did upon the cross for them –...
Read MoreThe Life of a Creation Speaker
The life of a traveling speaker can seem glamorous at times, but what’s it really like? “Come along” with us and see. Before you even start, there’s lots of “up-front” work – scheduling, studying, lecture prep, packing, and preparing to be “away” for 2, 3, or even more weeks. Then, “on the road,” there’s hours and hours of travel time – either by road (along with sometimes hazardous road conditions, traffic, or vehicle breakdowns) or by air (with all that entails – special...
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