In my last blog, I wrote about the college student who recently told us that because of our creation programs at the University of Minnesota one year ago, she was “released from the burden of evolution.” Another encouraging report from that speaking trip was from a high school girl. Two weeks ago she asked to give a testimony during our presentations at a Youth for Christ rally in Minnesota. She related how one year before she was losing her faith in God because of all the...
Read MoreNo Gap or Conflict
Is there a gap of time between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2? Aren’t Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 two different, conflicting accounts of creation? These are two questions that are brought up frequently at AOI seminars. I recently spoke with Hebrew scholar Oliver Blosser (Ph.D., a professor at the University of Wisconsin, Hebrew scholar, Near East historian, and theologian) about these subjects. “The Jewish people have a basic outline of how they tell a story, an...
Read MoreA True Servant of God
This past week a very dear friend passed away to be with the Lord. I first met this Godly man (ER) when I was still an atheist. At that time, I was moonlighting to supplement our income in a troubled economy. I was cleaning a church of all things! There I met ER. Every year he would voluntarily spend hours and hours stripping the old wax from the gymnasium floor, and then reapply a fresh new coat of wax. It was hard work, which he did without a grumble … he even did it with...
Read MoreTeach Them When They’re Young
When you’re on the road as much as we are, it’s always fun to hear good news from home. The other day, our daughter-in-law, Elisabeth, wrote us the following message about our grandson, Samuel, who is just one year old: “Sometimes while I’m feeding Samuel before bed I tell him the story of creation. (I say sometimes b’c I definitely don’t do it every night.) We usually make it fun and do animal sounds when it comes to day 5&6….he gets very...
Read MoreSkeptics Abound
Teaching about creation at universities is always “interesting” – and often challenging. It’s refreshing when honest seekers come to hear an alternative to evolution. However, sometimes these seekers seem to be few and far between (or maybe they are just not as “vocal” as the skeptics who come simply to debate). Somehow it seems to be a badge of “intellectualism” to doubt, mock, and blaspheme the God of the Bible. Sadly, this “intellectualism” is really just pride which...
Read MoreMuseum Worldview
A woman in Minnesota shared that she had been to the Smithsonian National Museum in early 2009. After watching a movie on the origin of man, she asked one of the staff where the movie on Creation could be viewed. After being told the museum had no such movie, she asked to see one of the directors to protest this one-sided portrayal of origins. After many excuses about the unavailability of any of the directors she was given a Visitor Comment Form to fill out with her...
Read MoreSitting On The Edge Of Their Seats
Our last week on the road was jamb packed with children’s ministry. After finishing a family program in south-east Minnesota, we traveled to Minneapolis/St. Paul area. There we taught at two Christian schools for 2 hrs at each location. That in itself is unusual; normally the schools will only let you have 30-45 minutes during their chapel time. However, I had taught an hour at one of the schools last year, and they were amazed how attentive the students were for the...
Read MoreThe “Goldilocks” Planet – Speculation vs. Observation?
We’re living in a very interesting age for science. It is an age where speculation becomes the headlines for scientific research. Just today, I noticed an article in the New York Times online Space and Cosmos section saying that they have discovered a new planet about 20 light years away from us (a very long way outside of our solar system). The headlines state, “New Planet May Be Able to Nurture Organisms.” The AP headline – “Could ‘Goldilocks’ planet be just right...
Read MoreFall Colors
I think fall is my favorite time of the year. I love the cooler temperatures and the beautiful fall colors. I especially love to walk in the woods, delighting in the colors and smelling the fragrance. Here in our part of Colorado, there aren’t many hardwoods, so we don’t have the variety found in other parts of the country, but the aspens have a special beauty all their own. They turn a striking gold, sometimes highlighted with deep orange or red. Highlighted against the...
Read MoreSpider silk
I hate to admit it, but I just don’t like spiders. However, Mary Jo and I just got back to our house after being gone a week, and I found a nice spider web. Although I quickly got rid of it (and contemplated where the spider might appear), the web made me think of God’s amazing design. Spider silk is actually stronger than steel of the same diameter. Spider silk is also extremely light. A strand of spider silk long enough to circle the world would weigh just slightly more...
Read MoreFall Is In The Air!
Driving over Hoosier Pass, between Breckinridge and Fairplay, Colorado, we were pleased to see the striking colors of autumn leaves. The bright, vibrant yellows and reds of the turning aspens were spectacular. Yesterday, as we travelled through Nebraska, we saw the golden stalks of corn, and the yellow to gold leaves of soy beans. Only a short time ago all of these leaves had been a beautiful bright green. The changing fall foliage never fails to delight me. Leaves are...
Read MoreJudas Asparagus
I have been working with children for many years, and have been amused (and sometimes shocked) about how they sometimes perceive things they have heard. The following (author unknown) has been floating around for years. Judas Asparagus Just in case you have forgotten your Bible lessons, here is a refresher course. A child was asked to write a book report on the entire Bible. I wonder how often we take for granted that children understand what we are teaching??? Through the...
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