Posted on Apr 5, 2023 in Blog Posts, Creation Nuggets, Marianis from the Front | 2 comments
Read MoreDino Bones Found Near the North Pole!

“This would give the region about 120 days of total darkness each year, making it difficult for dinosaurs to survive in such an extreme cold climate.1 Evolutionary theory provides no explanation for why dinosaurs would be buried in such environments—but Bible-based Flood geology does. For 70 years now, dinosaurs found in supposedly polar climates have baffled secular paleontologists due to the cold conditions they would have faced and the long periods of darkness...
Read MoreFascinating Dating Argument:

“Radiometric dating is not objective science. It is not like measuring the length of something, or its weight. Scientists don’t argue about the chemical composition of a rock, because measurements like that are objective, experimental science. However, they do argue over calculated dates because every calculation is based on assumptions about the past, assumptions that cannot be checked because we do not have a time machine. And if the dates are unappealing...
Read MoreIf you are an evolutionist, consider these:

“All three disciplines [Biology, Geology/Paleontology, and Cosmology] are replete with evidence that is inconsistent with the [Naturalistic Evolutionary] paradigm. For example, evidence from genetics clearly shows that mutations, rather than creating new and ever-more complex DNA as required by evolution, cause continuous degradation of DNA. Geneticist, Dr John Sanford, calls this genetic entropy and it eventually causes extinction. This happens so fast that humans...
Read More80 Fossil Whales – 1 Big Catastrophe??

Wow!! 80 fossil whales smashed up together in one area in the Chilean desert!! Scientists have to admit that some big catastrophe happened there to bury so many whales! … The question now is, how big of a catastrophe? Could this and many other evidences make a global Flood a reasonable explanation? Read more details here: Picture from: accessed...
Read More80% – !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously??

“A staggering report by Science (2010) also found that, “One paleontologist estimates that more than 80% of marine reptile specimens now on display in Chinese museums have been, ‘altered or artificially combined to varying degrees’.”5 There are also numerous websites highlighting that: “… over the last three decades, a thriving side-industry has grown up around trilobites – one where craftsmen often working in rural outposts in far-away lands, basically manufacture...
Read MorePETRIFIED Bags of Flour!!
“You are looking at parts of petrified flour sacks from the Blue Spring mill.’ Although not suitable to eat, these sacks of petrified flour give lots of ‘food for thought”. “It is commonly believed that petrification is a process taking millions of years … not true! Under ideal conditions petrification can take place in as few as three weeks.” Read more here:
Read MoreC-14 All Throughout the Geologic Column!!
C-14 has been found all throughout the geologic column!! To follow-up from Yesterday’s post, since C-14 shouldn’t last more than 100,000 years, evolutionists find it pointless to C-14 date items thought to be millions of years old. And to be fair, it would be pointless if their assumptions were true, but the evidence points to the fact that these items are not millions of years old. There are many examples of research that reports that C-14 has been found in: -“70 samples...
Read MoreNo Transitions for New Creatures!
The experts say there are no transitions for new creatures! “The history of most fossil species includes two features particularly inconsistent with gradualism: 1). Stasis. Most species exhibit no directional change during their tenure on earth. They appear in the fossil record looking much the same as when they disappear;…” “… Morphological change is usually limited and directionless. 2). Sudden Appearance. In any local area, a species does not arise gradually by...
Read MoreLiving Fossils
Living on this earth are some interesting creatures which, according to evolutionary theory, “should have” been extinct millions of years ago, yet they live on, virtually unchanged. Some of these include the opossum, the horseshoe crab, the snapping turtle, the cockroach, the platypus, and the famous coelacanth. The coelacanth is a strange fish that was thought to have become extinct along with the dinosaurs over 70 million years ago. It was known only from fossils until...
Read MoreMore “Living Fossils”
For the Laotian Rock Rat it was a day like any other. Then the men started chasing him. Running for his life, he was determined not to end up in a meat market like the rest of his family. Finally, he tired and was captured. Instead of knives, however, these men carried cameras. After some pictures, he was gently returned to the rocks from which he was taken. What was the occasion? Why the special treatment? Meanwhile, deep in the Coral Sea, an innocent shrimp-like...
Read MoreOut of Order Fossils
Some rock layers contain fossils that are found out of the supposed evolutionary order, i.e. older fossils on top of younger fossils. This is usually explained by a concept called “overthrusting.” In this process, rock layers break up and one section is uplifted. Forces push the one layer containing the older fossils over the top of the younger layers. In some cases, there seems to be evidence of this, and at other times there is absolutely no evidence. But we...
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