Posted on Apr 5, 2023 in Blog Posts, Creation Nuggets, Marianis from the Front | 2 comments
Read MoreA swimming school of fish frozen in sand!
It must have been a really rapid burial event!! “The scientific team also highlighted a number of other fascinating examples of what they called “frozen behaviours” in fossils: “examples include fighting dinosaurs, queueing trilobites and insects in copulation. These fossils are assumed to result from rapid burial, which preserves individual positions during interactions”. Yes indeed, but this is completely contrary to the uniformitarian ‘slow-n-gradual’...
Read MoreGeology – Evidence for the Flood – Right?

Recently, we were referred to an article titled “Common Creationist Attacks on Geology.” ( It was published in 1980 which makes it more than 40 years old now. I was not too impressed with that article as many of the arguments are largely based on assumptions and misunderstood Creationist arguments. Yes, it is possible that the long-age uniformitarian explanations are possible, but it appears like there are many more...
Read MoreDeath Valley – a Large Ice Age Lake!!

Death Valley was a large lake during the ice age!! This is a Huge Challenge for Secular Ice Age Models! “These ‘once-wet’ deserts are extremely difficult for a uniformitarian earth scientist to explain, because their Ice Age models require a very cold and thus much drier climate than we have today… …An Ice Age requires abundant precipitation (moisture condensing out of the air) to make the ice sheets, and to fill the ancient Ice Age lakes. The problem the...
Read MoreBent Rock Layers – Evidence of the Flood!

“Normally, solid rock cannot bend without breaking, so this leaves only two options for bending: either the rock layer was bent while still soft, shortly after being deposited by water, or after the layer had fully hardened, it was bent by pressures which made the rock plastic, like playdough. Geologists who believe the layers were laid down over millions of years accept the latter option.” One geologist’s in-depth, four year study concludes: “By comparing the...
Read More80 Fossil Whales – 1 Big Catastrophe??

Wow!! 80 fossil whales smashed up together in one area in the Chilean desert!! Scientists have to admit that some big catastrophe happened there to bury so many whales! … The question now is, how big of a catastrophe? Could this and many other evidences make a global Flood a reasonable explanation? Read more details here: Picture from: accessed...
Read MoreAn Ammonite in Amber!!

That “left evolutionist scientists confused and unable to provide a suitable account” for its formation. “The find was a big surprise”… They “never imagined” finding that!! If their models continue to confuse and surprise them, then maybe there are better models!! (No Evolution and A Global Flood) Read more about it here: Picture from:...
Read MoreSnowball Earth or Flooded Earth??
Modern diamictites (or mixed debris flows) are seen with glaciers that have left rock piles tens of feet thick. In places around the world (even near the equator), there is evidence of huge boulders (as much as one mile in diameter) that are dropped and in some cases exploded (you can actually see the puzzle pieces as to how to put it back together). These huge boulders are so big they have layers – geology within them. To explain such enormous boulders being...
Read More187 Dinos Buried Together…Flood?

187 Parrot-beaked Dinosaurs buried together in Mongolia!! What’s the most reasonable explanation? See: Picture from: accessed 1/6/23.
Read MoreFor any GEOLOGY enthusiasts and experts:

Can I get your perspective on the 7th and 8th chapters of The Global Flood by John Morris, which gets into some of the more specific scientific evidences for a global flood. Also, I was quite impressed in the depth of the geologic scientific evidence from this conference. I would love to hear your thoughts on these: “90 Minutes of Geological Evidence for Noah’s Flood – Dr. Kurt Wise” -This has a great overview of the lithostratigraphic column. AND… “What was the...
Read MoreWater Catastrophe – Evidenced within the Fossil Record!

“The very nature of the fossil record testifies to a worldwide water catastrophe in the past. In Germany, there are lignite beds (a form of brown coal) that contain large numbers of fossil plants, animals, and insects from various regions and climates of the world. The detailed structures of these animals have been remarkably preserved and are striking proof of sudden burial. Huge diatomite deposits near Lompoc, California, contain millions of beautifully preserved fish,...
Read MoreHow and When Does Magma Cool?
Evidence to make you question the reliability of radiometric dating: “The following is a quote from The Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology by Tarbuck & Lutgens, pp. 55-57, (1987). “For example, at the stage when about 50 percent of the magma has solidified, the melt will be greatly depleted in iron, magnesium, and calcium, because these elements are found in the earliest formed minerals. But at the same time, it will be enriched in the elements...
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