“How could dinosaur proteins persist over 70 million years inside dinosaur bones? That’s one of the biggest questions that secular paleontologists have faced in the last two decades. Many of them reason that some unique but undiscovered set of conditions grant proteins power to defy all odds and somehow survive unimaginable time scales. They think someone, someday, will discover the protein’s secret to survival. A new model suggests those long-sought conditions have come...
Read MoreMy Favorite Scientific Evidences for God!
These are some of my favorite scientific evidences and other arguments for the Truth of God and the Bible. This is simply an overview as we could definitely cover a lot more. I want to make a quick note here too: if you think that you need God to show Himself to you and you are, like I am, a man or woman of science – then I believe that possibly through stacks of evidence, God will show Himself to you – you might prefer that way of “proving” God...
Read MoreEvolutionary Cosmology Has to Add Props to Keep Their Models Feasible!
“What about the universe? The currently favoured evolutionary cosmology is the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) model. Apparently it’s the best solution and the one we should all believe, subject to a few kinks being ironed out sometime in the future (e.g. the ‘Axis of Evil’—yes, that’s literally what scientists are calling it). However, the ΛCDM model is starting to look like software that has a new hot-fix each time a bug emerges: — ‘The mass of the universe isn’t...
Read MoreThe Theory of Evolution Still Can’t Explain…
“We still don’t have a mechanism to account for the big structural changes that must have taken place: evolving from asexual to sexual, from single-cell to multi-cell, and the big one—going from non-life to a single cell that has DNA, has proteins capable of reading the DNA and using it to make new proteins including an exact copy of itself!” Read more about this here:...
Read MoreA Dino with 3 birds in its tummy!!
So here we have fully formed birds in a dino’s tummy – showing they existed together and not to say that their evolution is impossible, but there is yet again no evidence of evolution here! How long can a theory last without evidence?!?! https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn21182-first-evidence-that-dinosaurs-ate-birds/ See more about the significance of this here:...
Read More“Scientific evidence does not have to be interpreted. Science is science.”

The above was a response (“Scientific evidence does not have to be interpreted. Science is science.”) that I received while in a debate with an evolutionist. This is how I rejoined in the debate: Crime Scene Scientists, Paleontologists, and Archaeologists along with probably every other scientist is faced with the challenges of how to best interpret the evidence. If you were a crime scene investigator, you would come into a house and observe a dead body laying on the...
Read MoreA Crucial Question: What Is The Evidence?
One of the most important, but most difficult, things to accomplish in schools is to teach students to think. It’s easy for teachers to fall into the trap of allowing their students to just memorize all kinds of information and repeat it on a test. However, real learning entails much more than just memorizing. Real learning comes by comparing, contrasting, classifying, applying, analyzing and evaluating data. It starts with asking the right questions. Whenever we speak...
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