Heme – “vital for life”, but too much and it is toxic and causes cancer, diseases, and aging. “Manufacturing it is therefore an absolutely essential biological process, but this must be tightly controlled. …This is yet another demonstration of the fact that cells are far from simple. Here we see they are logistics experts, employing complex systems of checks and balances. In this case, it involves perfectly gauging the supply and demand of this absolutely essential...
Read MoreThe Endosymbiosis Theory – Is it realistic?
Some evolutionists have postulated that simpler forms of life (ancient early cells) engulfed other simpler forms of life (two common examples hypothesized are mitochondria and chloroplasts) to become bigger and more complex cells – like eukaryotic cells today. Is that really possible?? Can one simpler blob of life with specific evolved genetic code engulf another simpler blob of life with it’s own specific evolved genetic code and then the host would have to...
Read MoreAn Honest Atheist!
Former hard-nosed English Atheist philosopher Antony Flew abandoned Atheism/materialism because of the growing evidence for such design in living things. He said: “It now seems to me that the findings of more than fifty years of DNA research have provided materials for a new and enormously powerful argument to design.” This research “has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements which are needed to produce (life), that intelligence must have...
Read MoreA Credible Explanation??
Well-known American Atheist philosopher, Thomas Nagel said, “What is lacking, to my knowledge, is a credible argument that the story [of cosmic evolution] has a nonnegligible probability of being true. There are two questions. First, given what is known about the chemical basis of biology and genetics, what is the likelihood that self-reproducing life forms should have come into existence spontaneously on the early earth, solely through the operation of the laws of...
Read MoreFor 30 years, we thought we had 24 pairs of chromosomes.
The influence of one scientist affected everyone’s conclusions! Yes, I suppose there is bias and assumptions common within scientific disciplines. “But so powerful was the ‘authority’ of the distinguished Theophilus Painter, that this number was unchallenged for more than 30 years. According to BBC commentator Robert Matthews, “For years biochemists refused to believe humans possess 23 pairs of chromosomes”. Why? “Because it contradicted the claims” of...
Read MoreGenetic Evidence for the three daughter-in-laws of Noah!!
“Jeanson showed how major mitochondrial DNA lineages followed a maternal ancestry back to the three wives of Noah’s sons (figure 2).22” “Figure 2. An unrooted mitochondrial DNA tree representing 369 individuals of different ethnicities. The large block arrows point to the three major branch nodes believed to correspond to the wives of Noah’s three sons (from Jeanson22)” Read more here:...
Read More5-10 Thousand Not Hundreds of Thousands!!
Here is great Genetic Evidence that the human race all traced back only several thousand years not hundreds of thousands as assumed by evolutionary models!! “Research by both secular and creation scientists indicates a date of modern human origins of not more than 5,000 to 10,000 years (reviewed by Tomkins in 2015).12 For the purposes of this current review, I will briefly summarize these earlier findings before describing more recent efforts that confirm and...
Read MoreIf you are an evolutionist, consider these:
“All three disciplines [Biology, Geology/Paleontology, and Cosmology] are replete with evidence that is inconsistent with the [Naturalistic Evolutionary] paradigm. For example, evidence from genetics clearly shows that mutations, rather than creating new and ever-more complex DNA as required by evolution, cause continuous degradation of DNA. Geneticist, Dr John Sanford, calls this genetic entropy and it eventually causes extinction. This happens so fast that humans...
Read More“If ENCODE is right, evolution is wrong.”
If Evolution has occurred due to mutations occurring randomly over long periods of time, then the human genome would just be filled with extra stuff – “Junk DNA”. The Encode Project “undermined the “junk DNA” myth and simultaneously fulfilled an ID prediction: that non-coding parts of the genome would prove functional. Junk-DNA proponents like Dan Graur were upset at the time, admitting as Jonathan Wells reported, “If ENCODE is right, evolution is wrong.”...
Read More“Striking” – Complexity and the Incredible Functional Nature of DNA
“Striking” – Complexity and the Incredible Functional Nature of DNA is Evidence of an Intelligent Designer!! “Skipper says it was “striking” to find that they were able to assign a “biochemical function” to 80 percent of the genome: striking, because “not such a long time ago, we still considered that a vast proportion of the human genome was simply junk.” Birney comments, “It’s very hard to get over the density of information” in the genome. They found places that...
Read MoreHow can we change something to create something sooooooooooooooooooooooooo complex?
“The development of new functions is the only thing important for evolution. We are not talking about small functional changes, but radical ones. Some organism had to learn how to convert sugars to energy. Another had to learn how to take sunlight and turn it into sugars. Another had to learn how to take light and turn it into an interpretable image in the brain. These are not simple things, but amazing processes that involve multiple steps, and functions that...
Read MoreWhat do we really know about genetic information??
“Another issue, especially displayed among evolutionists (but creationists, including myself, are not immune), is a lack of understanding of the location of biological information. Most people tend to think DNA (the ‘genome’) is the storage place of information. While it is certainly the location of a tremendous amount of it, this gene-centered view ignores the information originally engineered into the first created organisms. The architecture of the cell, including...
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