Evolutionary Leftovers

Posted on Apr 1, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Evolutionists used to believe and teach that 180 parts of the human body were “vestigial”, or useless leftovers, from our supposed past evolution. We now realize that these are not unnecessary leftovers, but actually have very important functions. Included on that list were such crucial parts of our body such as the pituitary gland (the master gland of the body), and the thymus, etc. Even today, people still call the appendix and the tonsils leftovers from our...

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May Have, Might Have, Could Have. The “Scientific Answer” to Design

Posted on Mar 20, 2009 in Think & Believe Newsletter | 0 comments

“The final evolution of the flagellum might then have involved only the novel recombination of sophisticated parts that initially evolved for other purposes.” – Scientific American’s attempt to discredit design It is interesting how many evolutionary “explanations” are hedged by the words, “may have, might have, or could have.” This is quite acceptable if the words are used to indicate a hypothesis, or an educated guess to be tested. However, what...

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The Origin of the Races

Posted on Sep 20, 2008 in Think & Believe Newsletter | 0 comments

The explanation of the origin of “races” is given by simple genetic principles.  (For those of you who freaked out in high school biology, hang in there!  I will try my best to make this understandable.  Geneticists, please bear with the simplification!)  All right, here we go! Our “looks” are determined by genes.  Genes coding for a particular trait (like skin color) can come in a variety of forms called “alleles.”  Sometimes these alleles appear to be of equal strength,...

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Those Incredible Dolphins!

Posted on Jul 20, 1997 in Think & Believe Newsletter | 0 comments

“By all rights, life in the sea should leave a dolphinbaked, crushed, and sterile.  This graceful mammal avoids such a fate only by slipping through loopholes in the laws of physiology.”  With such a come-on, who could resist reading “The Dolphin Strategy,” in the March, 1997, issue of Discover?  The discoveries revealed in the article proved to be fascinating and exciting. One puzzle for scientists was the problem of oxygen consumption on a deep dive.  Research showed that...

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