How Did Male and Female Evolve…???

Posted on Feb 27, 2020 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  Question to us: “How does evolution account for the existence of male and female forms among species?” Mary Jo’s Response: For the sexes to arise by evolution, both male and female and all their complex complementary reproductive parts would have needed to “evolve” by random, chance natural processes in the same kind of organism at the same time and same location, or natural selection would not have “saved” these wonderfully miraculous accidental...

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How Many Changes…in 10 Million Years?

Posted on Feb 4, 2020 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  How many changes can happen in our DNA even given 10 million years? “Imagine a population of 100,000 apes, the putative progenitors of humans. Suppose that a male and a female both received a mutation so beneficial that they out-survived everyone else; all the rest of the population died out—all 99,998 of them. And then the surviving pair had enough offspring to replenish the population in one generation. And this repeated every generation (every 20 years) for 10...

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How did flight supposedly evolve?

Posted on Jan 28, 2020 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “Flight supposedly arose several times according to the theory of evolution. The first time this happened was allegedly 400 million years ago in insects.5 Evolutionists do not have a clear concept about how this happened. However, what they do know is that the activities of dozens of genes are necessary for flight. In their thinking, all that complexity must have gradually arisen via unplanned, unguided, goal-less mutational events over deep time. These genes...

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Evolving & Losing Flight – 3 Times!!

Posted on Jan 23, 2020 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  The Aldabra Rail supposedly evolved flight and lost flight…3 TIMES??? Check it out here: “that loss of flight happened at least three times in the white-throated rail. The same kind of change happening in an organism, with the same result, is called “iterative evolution”. The probability of the same organ being affected on different occasions over tens to hundreds of thousands of years in the same species is very small indeed. The question also arises as to why the...

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Richard Dawkins Says “Evangelical Christians have really sort of got it right in a way…”

Posted on Jan 3, 2020 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  To Richard Dawkins: “Was there a particular point, or something you read, or an experience you had that said, ‘Yes this is it, God does not exist’?” Now note carefully the following statement by Richard Dawkins: “Oh well, by far the most important was understanding evolution. I think the evangelical Christians have really sort of got it right in a way, in seeing evolution as the enemy. Whereas the more, what shall we say, sophisticated theologians are quite happy to...

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The Theory of Evolution Still Can’t Explain…

Posted on Dec 31, 2019 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “We still don’t have a mechanism to account for the big structural changes that must have taken place: evolving from asexual to sexual, from single-cell to multi-cell, and the big one—going from non-life to a single cell that has DNA, has proteins capable of reading the DNA and using it to make new proteins including an exact copy of itself!” Read more about this here:...

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Is the Evolutionary Tree Simple or Too Complex?

Is the Evolutionary Tree Simple or Too Complex?

Posted on Dec 27, 2019 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “The flora and fauna on this planet do not arrange nicely into branching diagrams of heredity. Phenomena like ‘evolutionary convergence’ are entirely unexpected situations where life refuses to establish a branching diagram—good examples are the armadillo and pangolin. Some creatures have such an unusual mixture of features that evolutionists cannot agree what branch they belong on—a great example is the aye-aye (a nocturnal primate—maybe—of Madagascar).”   Read...

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Natural Selection…DESIGNED us??

Posted on Dec 12, 2019 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Richard Dawkins stated: “I think it’s something we need to be proud of our species for; because our species, every species, is designed by natural selection to survive in its world. We were never designed by natural selection to understand modern physics; and yet our brains, amazingly through emergent properties, are capable of reaching way, way outside the bounds that our evolution apparently set for us. I think it’s, I’m very proud to be human.” Is that the most...

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Noah Took “Supermutts” on the Ark!

Posted on Dec 5, 2019 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  It is estimated that there were less than 15,000 species or different kinds on the ark and that only had to include “mammals, birds, reptiles, and possibly land-reproducing amphibians.” It is estimated that of those types of animals, there are only 30,000 living species today. So those animal types only needed to double in species. This is very possible to do in only a few thousand years, especially with artificial breeding programs. For example,  “most dog breeds...

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Posted on Nov 7, 2019 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  Bats have the extraordinary ability to close their ears as they send sonar signals and reopen them in time to hear returning echos.  They do this at the incredible rate of 50 to 60 times per second.  Studying the bat’s unique method of detecting objects has allowed scientists to discover the principles of sonar. Using these principles, mankind has produced sensitive detection instruments of his own. As complex and sensitive as our sonar detection systems are, they...

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Archerfish – God’s Sharpshooters

Posted on Jun 30, 2011 in Articles | 0 comments

From the waters of Southeast Asia comes a strong testimony of the Creator’s ability to provide His creatures with all the necessary tools for survival.  The intriguing archerfish has a unique method of catching its food. With amazing accuracy, it aims and fires its sniper weapon at an unsuspecting bug crawling on a leaf of a bush high above a pool of water.  When the pulsating beads of water hit the mark (and the fish rarely misses up to 4 feet away), the bug falls off the...

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A Mammoth Problem

A Mammoth Problem

Posted on Jun 28, 2011 in Articles | 10 comments

From the pages of the encyclopedias we are apt to read that mastodons and mammoths were ancient relatives of today’s elephants which have been extinct for about 10,000 years.  This has been accepted by virtually all the “experts” today and consequently is taught at all levels of education. There are other experts, however, who suggest that these great creatures have been extinct for not more than a few hundred years.  Many of these experts are historians who have read...

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