Grasshoppers Have…Knees?? – Evidence of Design!

Grasshoppers Have…Knees?? – Evidence of Design!

Posted on Dec 29, 2022 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  When I taught Biology, I had a number of dissections that were planned. The first one scheduled was a simple grasshopper. I was a little (maybe a lot nervous) about leading dissections and how some of the squirrely freshman would handle them. But at least I got to start it off easy with the simple grasshopper. Then I looked up some diagrams…woah! They are amazingly intricate! Think about it: There are probably billions of these things all over the world and they all...

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Created this way??

Created this way??

Posted on Dec 13, 2022 in Creation Nuggets | 1 comment

  In certain species of Anglerfish, the males are too weak after birth and so they immediately look for a female. “Once the male finds a female, he quickly latches onto her with his teeth to start a process that sounds like the stuff of science fiction. The male begins to fuse his body to the female, and his body enlarges like a deformed tumour. As it grows, it begins to lose limbs and organs. Its fins fall off, its eyes cease to function, and it ceases to have its own...

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Wow! What Faith in Evolution!

Wow! What Faith in Evolution!

Posted on Nov 29, 2022 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  Check out this quote regarding going from animal instinct to complex human reasoning: “We are the heirs of an unfathomable wisdom. Through Darwinian trial and error, our genome has internalized the knowledge of the generations that have preceded us” (p. 25). Going further from that quote, we could say this as a rebuttal: “However, knowledge (i.e. information) is not a tangible thing, a property of matter. Even though information is stored on matter, it is a...

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Too Much – Bad!…Too Little – Bad!

Too Much – Bad!…Too Little – Bad!

Posted on Jun 30, 2022 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  Heme – “vital for life”, but too much and it is toxic and causes cancer, diseases, and aging. “Manufacturing it is therefore an absolutely essential biological process, but this must be tightly controlled. …This is yet another demonstration of the fact that cells are far from simple. Here we see they are logistics experts, employing complex systems of checks and balances. In this case, it involves perfectly gauging the supply and demand of this absolutely essential...

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How did it survive degradation??

How did it survive degradation??

Posted on Jun 23, 2022 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  Mutations within living things are not making life more complicated – in fact, evidence is showing that they start out more complicated! “The “interactome” of life — the set of gene regulatory networks and protein interactions — must survive perturbations to keep organisms alive. Mutations do not construct new complex machines. This study says that they “gum up the works.” Unless species “from bacteria to primates” had pre-existing strategies to backup and survive...

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Horrible Effects of Evolutionary Thinking!

Horrible Effects of Evolutionary Thinking!

Posted on Jun 9, 2022 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “The late Stephen Jay Gould, a leading evolutionist of the 20th century, acknowledged that acceptance of evolution spurred the rapid growth of racism: “Biological arguments for racism may have been common before 1859, but they increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of evolutionary theory. The litany is familiar: cold, dispassionate, objective, modern science shows us that races can be ranked on a scale of superiority. If this offends...

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The Endosymbiosis Theory – Is it realistic?

The Endosymbiosis Theory – Is it realistic?

Posted on May 31, 2022 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  Some evolutionists have postulated that simpler forms of life (ancient early cells) engulfed other simpler forms of life (two common examples hypothesized are mitochondria and chloroplasts) to become bigger and more complex cells – like eukaryotic cells today. Is that really possible?? Can one simpler blob of life with specific evolved genetic code engulf another simpler blob of life with it’s own specific evolved genetic code and then the host would have to...

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Posted on May 24, 2022 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “There’s a fundamental principle at issue here. If something is over-engineered, does that not mean that it must have been engineered in the first place? And if it was engineered, does that not imply an engineer who designed and built the creature? No wonder even evolutionists can’t help but use language noting that the crocodylian lungs are “complex and appear very well designed” and marvel that alligators have “such a complex musculo-skeletal system”. Complexity,...

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Turtle Time #5: Turtles – Hopeful Monsters!!

Turtle Time #5: Turtles – Hopeful Monsters!!

Posted on May 13, 2022 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “Systematist and reptile expert Olivier Rieppel stated that a big “problem for an evolutionary biologist is to explain these transformations in the context of a gradualistic process.” Rieppel concludes that turtles could not have evolved by any gradual process, so they must be an example of ‘hopeful monsters’, a result of major mutations that cause very rapid evolution called punctuated equilibrium.” Read this AMAZING article here:...

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Built for Speed!!

Built for Speed!!

Posted on May 6, 2022 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “Built for speed – that is the design of a cheetah. Cheetahs are the fastest land animals. They can go from 0 to 60 m.p.h. in 3 seconds! To be able to run that fast requires special design features. A heavy lion’s body (550 pounds on a four-foot frame) would not work well on the cheetah’s three-foot frame, so cheetahs weigh in at a lighter weight 80-140 pounds. Check out these other design features: The main design change needed to support its speed is its...

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The Woodpecker Shouldn’t Exist!

The Woodpecker Shouldn’t Exist!

Posted on May 5, 2022 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  According to the laws of the theory of evolution, the woodpecker shouldn’t exist. Why? Because this bird is an example of Irreducible Complexity. Irreducible Complexity is a term coined by Michael Behe meaning a single system which is composed of several interacting parts, and where the removal of any one of the parts causes the system to cease functioning. Let me explain; The woodpecker has a fascinating tongue. One aspect of it is a glue factory at the tip that aids in...

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Circadian Rhythm – any evolutionary steps??…No.

Circadian Rhythm – any evolutionary steps??…No.

Posted on Apr 12, 2022 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “No transitional schemes can be constructed to explain the emergence of the more complex systems from the simpler ones found in bacteria on account of lack of homologous features conserved across the kingdoms. In laboratory experiments, considerable design input is needed to construct the simplest artificial biological clock; these do not run on a 24-hour cycle. The existence of circadian clocks, with fundamental common design elements, specified complexity,...

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