Dr. David Menton had a tremendous impact on sharing God’s Word and God’s Truth to this work that needs True Hope. Praise God for the legacy he left behind! “Dr. Menton was well known around the US and at the Creation Museum for his stimulating talks, such as “The Hearing Ear and the Seeing Eye” (on the remarkable complexity of the human body), “Three Ways to Make an Apeman” (comparing the anatomy of apelike creatures in the fossil record to humans),...
Read MoreFor 30 years, we thought we had 24 pairs of chromosomes.

The influence of one scientist affected everyone’s conclusions! Yes, I suppose there is bias and assumptions common within scientific disciplines. “But so powerful was the ‘authority’ of the distinguished Theophilus Painter, that this number was unchallenged for more than 30 years. According to BBC commentator Robert Matthews, “For years biochemists refused to believe humans possess 23 pairs of chromosomes”. Why? “Because it contradicted the claims” of...
Read MoreOnly Natural Explanations Allowed!!

“It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine...
Read MoreGenetics Points to a Young Earth!

Great Summary: “The new Y-chromosome genetic data brings a huge challenge to the secular science community. While discussing the ramifications of this, Jeanson recently stated: “I’m anxious to see how the evolutionists try to dismiss this second, independent line of genetic evidence for the young-earth timescale. Not only do they have to explain why the data contradict evolution, they have to also explain why the data are such a tight match with the predictions...
Read MoreNot Enough Mutations for Evolutionary Time!!

“They noted that if humans have actually been around for several hundred thousand years or more, according to RAO they should have accumulated 8 to 59 times the amount of mutations that we currently observe in Y chromosomes worldwide. Quite notably, they empirically proved that we can only observe about 4,500 years of mutation accumulation in all of human paternal ancestry, as documented in the record of the human Y chromosome.” Read more here:...
Read MoreGenetic Studies BETTER Match Young Earth Creation Predictions!!
Who said Creationists can’t make predictions?? “Figure 1. Predictions of mitochondrial DNA diversity for the evolutionary model and the young-earth creation model compared with the actual diversity observed. As can be seen, the actual empirical data matches the creation model (from Jeanson22).” Read more here:...
Read MoreThe Good and the Bad of Peer Review:

“Peer review, while advertised as ensuring the veracity of published material, does not actually do this. Numerous frauds have been documented. Rather, it serves to enforce the orthodoxy of the ruling paradigm. This is well illustrated by the experience of Dr Mary Schweitzer, who first discovered soft tissue in dinosaur bones: ”I had one reviewer tell me that he didn’t care what the data said, he knew that what I was finding wasn’t possible,” says Schweitzer. ”I...
Read More2 Types of Willful Ignorance

Many people don’t want the Bible to be True. There are 2 types of willful ignorance: “Both varieties of wilful ignorance flow from not wanting there to be a Creator to whom we are accountable. Some people know where the light-switch is, but won’t flick it, remaining in the dark. Others have turned the light on, and quickly turned it off, not liking what they saw and not wanting others to see it either… …Some of the wilfully ignorant flatly reject the information...
Read MoreMore Big Problems!

There are numerous major problems that secular scientists have in explaining the ice age including: “that glacial rock debris contains very few trees or vegetation. If a uniformitarian ice age occurred, it would have begun in the far north and slowly moved south at a (literal) glacial pace. The ice should have picked up innumerable trees and vast amounts of other vegetation on its way, if these were present. Charlesworth states: “The rarity of vegetation in the drift...
Read MoreIce Ages – but how…and why?

Uniformitarian scientists believe in Ice Ages, but they cannot explain them! “They realize that an ice age requires much cooler summers, much more snow, and a climate change that persists for hundreds of years.4 What would cause these factors to come together? It has been repeatedly shown that the disruption caused by the global Flood would lead naturally to this confluence.4 However, those who reject the Flood continue to extrapolate present processes millions of...
Read MoreIce Age – Too Catastrophic??

Charles Lyell – one of the most influential geologists never accepted the idea of Ice Ages! He considered Ice Ages as too “catastrophic” and his bias towards slow change over long periods of time influenced his conclusions. Read more about that here as well as other problems that secular scientists have regarding the Ice Age: https://creation.com/ice-age-problems Picture from: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/sloth-frozen-ice-age-ice-sunset-5849090/ accessed...
Read MoreJesus’ Resurrection Confirmed!

“Indeed, the weakness of any conspiracy is one of the main things to have convinced former corrupt Nixon staffer Chuck Colson of the fact of the Resurrection: I know the resurrection is a fact, and Watergate proved it to me. How? Because 12 men testified they had seen Jesus raised from the dead, then they proclaimed that truth for 40 years, never once denying it. Every one was beaten, tortured, stoned and put in prison. They would not have endured that if it weren’t...
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