This Biblically based book by Dr. Danny Faulkner is a great introduction to the universe that will capture the attention of any budding astronomer. Every page has color pictures with text to beautifully illustrate your journey through the universe. Faulkner uses a logical progression starting with what is astronomy and the overwhelming immensity of the universe. Before the galactic tour begins, he has two very interesting chapters: “Why did God Create the Heavenly...
Read MoreThe Moon: Test Your Knowledge
Q: True or False? The age of moon rocks is what secular scientists use to determine the age of the solar system. A: True (and False). The assigned age of 4.6 billion years for the solar system is based on radioisotope study of moon rocks and meteorites. However, check our web (use the Discover Creation Search Engine) to understand the problems with these dating methods. Q: True or False? Most earth rocks tend to yield younger radioisotope ages than moon rocks. A: True....
Read MoreHints of Life on Saturn Moon
If you saw an article with this title, what would you think? Obviously, you’d think somebody had found evidence for life on one of Saturn’s moons. Well, the title is real. But its implication is not. The article appeared earlier this year in New Scientist [2], a respected scientific journal. It described an analysis of certain chemicals on Saturn’s moon Titan. The analysis did not reveal any evidence of life. Instead, evolutionists are speculating that...
Read MoreThe Moon is dry, the evolutionary model is saved. Oops, maybe not. Never mind again
In 2008, a shocking discovery was announced. Scientists had analyzed some lunar soils that Apollo astronauts had brought back from the Moon over 30 years earlier. They found that the soils contained traces of water. Not only that, the water was contained within tiny spheres of volcanic glass. This means that there’s water deep inside the Moon, not just on the surface. In fact, the concentration of water down there might even be comparable to the concentration of water...
Read MoreAstronomical Discoveries, Our Sun, and the Book of Isaiah
Evolutionists like to claim that our Sun is merely an average star, just one among billions. There’s no reason to believe our Sun is unusual–or so they say. After all, if our Sun were special, that might support the idea that a benevolent Creator made it for us. Nevertheless, our Sun is special indeed. If you’ve seen my second astronomy DVD, you know that Chapter 6 shows how our Sun is unique. Recent discoveries continue to support this. As I pointed out in my DVD, stars...
Read MoreGreat is our God
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shewest his handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. (Psalsm 19:1-3) As a child, few things jarred my awareness for the existence of God more than a clear summer’s night sky. The incomprehensible vastness and peaceful sparkling beauty testified of an all-wise, all-powerful God. The Bible states that on the fourth...
Read MoreLight From Distant Stars
Opponents of a literal interpretation of Genesis 1 often state, “Given the size of the universe and the speed of light, it would take the light billions of years to reach the earth. Therefore the universe can’t be young. If it was, we couldn’t even see most of the stars.” How can a young-age creationist answer this challenge? First we believe that God is powerful enough to create a universe that can be seen! How He did this, we may never know. Some suggest that the...
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