A Dino with 3 birds in its tummy!!

Posted on Nov 28, 2019 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  So here we have fully formed birds in a dino’s tummy – showing they existed together and not to say that their evolution is impossible, but there is yet again no evidence of evolution here! How long can a theory last without evidence?!?! https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn21182-first-evidence-that-dinosaurs-ate-birds/ See more about the significance of this here:...

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No Transitions for New Creatures!

Posted on Nov 26, 2019 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  The experts say there are no transitions for new creatures! “The history of most fossil species includes two features particularly inconsistent with gradualism: 1). Stasis. Most species exhibit no directional change during their tenure on earth. They appear in the fossil record looking much the same as when they disappear;…” “… Morphological change is usually limited and directionless. 2). Sudden Appearance. In any local area, a species does not arise gradually by...

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Removing the Creator!

Posted on Oct 29, 2019 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “During the time when Darwin’s wife, Emma, stayed faithful to her creation beliefs, “Charles diligently laboured to eliminate every vestige of the Christian faith from his thinking. This was no easy feat, but he applied interminable, determined effort to the task” and succeeded marvelously (p. 126). Clear evidence exists of this worldview change in the Western world. In his autobiography, Darwin wrote that the Christian faith was “manifestly false”, the Bible is “no...

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Assumptions: How Good Are They?

Posted on Mar 17, 2011 in Articles | 0 comments

Whenever a scientist begins an experiment, he accepts certain basic, unprovable assumptions.  Sometimes these assumptions may seem quite believable – other times, they may be a shot in the dark.  If the assumptions are good, the results are probably reliable.  If the assumptions are bad, so are the results.  Consider the following examples. In the past, functions of various body organs were not understood.  Since evolution was assumed true, many organs were assumed to be...

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The Nature of Instinct

Posted on Jan 13, 2011 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Suppose a group of scientists were walking along the beach, and they ran across a message written in the sand.  Suppose, in addition, these same scientists praised the grains of sand for their ability to organize themselves in this way.  Obviously, we would say they were crazy.  Yet, the same scientists can say that the unique design of animals, including their instinctive behavior, somehow came about by random processes and, ironically, most of society accepts it. In...

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Sunbeam Hot Springs: A Lesson in Presumption

Posted on Dec 3, 2010 in Articles | 0 comments

Sunbeam Hot Springs is a geothermally influenced spring located near Stanley, Idaho. Water emerges at the main vent at 72 degrees C (162 F) as it runs downhill before crossing under a highway and entering the Salmon River.  Because I was working periodically in the area between October 2000 and April 2002, I had five seasonal opportunities to sample the aquatic organisms.  In total, I found seven taxa of invertebrates, including five kinds of insects, one kind of water...

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The “Goldilocks” Planet – Speculation vs. Observation?

Posted on Sep 29, 2010 in Articles | 0 comments

We’re living in a very interesting age for science. It is an age where speculation becomes the headlines for scientific research. Just today, I noticed an article in the New York Times online Space and Cosmos section saying that they have discovered a new planet about 20 light years away from us (a very long way outside of our solar system). The headlines state, “New Planet May Be Able to Nurture Organisms.” The AP headline – “Could ‘Goldilocks’ planet be just right...

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River Deltas and the Age of the Earth

Posted on May 6, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

If the world is millions or billions of years old as evolutionists claim, river deltas should extend hundreds of times farther out into the ocean than they do. If earth were created around 6000 years ago as the Bible leads us to believe, deltas should be more or less the length we find them now. So what can those who insist on believing in millions of years claim if they look at a map and see that the longest deltas at the mouths of the worlds large rivers only extend...

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Evolutionary Leftovers

Posted on Apr 1, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Evolutionists used to believe and teach that 180 parts of the human body were “vestigial”, or useless leftovers, from our supposed past evolution. We now realize that these are not unnecessary leftovers, but actually have very important functions. Included on that list were such crucial parts of our body such as the pituitary gland (the master gland of the body), and the thymus, etc. Even today, people still call the appendix and the tonsils leftovers from our...

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Fine Line Between Colored Layers and Polystrate Fossils

Posted on Mar 18, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Frequently, one colored geologic formation is tightly stacked upon another formation. If there were really millions of years of gradual deposition (as normally assumed), wouldn’t the water saturated with the chemicals responsible for the coloration have seeped into the formations below? This would result in unclear boundaries between formations, but we see razor sharp boundaries. Perhaps alternating currents during the time of the Flood quickly stacked one layer on...

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Formation of Coral Reefs

Posted on Dec 22, 2009 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

It has been argued that ancient petrified coral reefs, such as El Capitan Reef in New Mexico, would have taken a tremendous time to have formed -proving that the earth is very old. This could be a valid point; assuming corals grew in the past at the same rate as it does today (which is doubtful) and assuming El Capitan corals grew in situ (i.e. in place). Research has shown that El Capitan is not an ancient coral reef of in situ coral. Instead it is a mound of broken pieces...

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Stalactites and Time

Posted on Dec 10, 2009 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

We are told it takes a hundred years to form one inch of stalactite material. However, an underground wing of the Milwaukee Public Museum had a problem with the roof leaking. They boarded it up. Ten years later, stalactites were found which were 6 feet long. Using the normally accepted accumulation rate, we can calculate that the underground wing must be 7200 years old – making the museum the oldest building in North America!  Time is not the hero of the plot. It is...

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