“Results should be reported honestly, because God has forbidden false witness (Exodus 20:16). But if evolution were true, then why not lie? It is not that surprising that scientific fraud is an increasing problem.7 Note, it’s important to understand the point here—not that atheists can’t be moral but that they have no objective basis for this morality from within their own system. The fanatical atheistic evolutionist Dawkins admits that our “best impulses have...
Read MoreChristianity Makes Science Possible!
Here is one aspect of that claim: “But if materialism were true, then “thought” is just an epiphenomenon of the brain, and the results of the laws of chemistry. Thus, given their own presuppositions, materialists have not freely arrived at their conclusion that materialism is true, because their conclusion was predetermined by brain chemistry. But then, why should their brain chemistry be trusted over mine, since both obey the same infallible laws of chemistry?...
Read MoreMore Big Problems!
There are numerous major problems that secular scientists have in explaining the ice age including: “that glacial rock debris contains very few trees or vegetation. If a uniformitarian ice age occurred, it would have begun in the far north and slowly moved south at a (literal) glacial pace. The ice should have picked up innumerable trees and vast amounts of other vegetation on its way, if these were present. Charlesworth states: “The rarity of vegetation in the drift...
Read MoreIce Ages – but how…and why?
Uniformitarian scientists believe in Ice Ages, but they cannot explain them! “They realize that an ice age requires much cooler summers, much more snow, and a climate change that persists for hundreds of years.4 What would cause these factors to come together? It has been repeatedly shown that the disruption caused by the global Flood would lead naturally to this confluence.4 However, those who reject the Flood continue to extrapolate present processes millions of...
Read MoreIce Age – Too Catastrophic??
Charles Lyell – one of the most influential geologists never accepted the idea of Ice Ages! He considered Ice Ages as too “catastrophic” and his bias towards slow change over long periods of time influenced his conclusions. Read more about that here as well as other problems that secular scientists have regarding the Ice Age: https://creation.com/ice-age-problems Picture from: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/sloth-frozen-ice-age-ice-sunset-5849090/ accessed...
Read MoreLet us follow solid evidence!
Check out this Evidence for the Earth’s Shape: “Looking across Lake Ontario to Toronto from Olcott NY, 63 km (39 miles) away, only about ⅔ of the CN Tower is visible. However, about ⅓ of the tower, as well as the much smaller buildings next to it, are hidden by the earth’s curvature. Now that we have good telescopes, we can see this more clearly. If we zoom in on a ship that has half-disappeared below the horizon, we don’t see more of the ship, but just a...
Read MoreJesus’ Resurrection Confirmed!
“Indeed, the weakness of any conspiracy is one of the main things to have convinced former corrupt Nixon staffer Chuck Colson of the fact of the Resurrection: I know the resurrection is a fact, and Watergate proved it to me. How? Because 12 men testified they had seen Jesus raised from the dead, then they proclaimed that truth for 40 years, never once denying it. Every one was beaten, tortured, stoned and put in prison. They would not have endured that if it weren’t...
Read MoreA SHOEBOX – That’s it??!!
And this quote comes from National Geographic – do we really have enough evidence of human evolution?? Check this out! “The fossil record is frustratingly ambiguous. Slightly older than H. erectus is a species called Homo habilis, or “handy man” – so named by Louis Leakey and his colleagues in 1964 because they believed it responsible for the stone tools they were finding at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. In the 1970s teams led by Louis’s son Richard found more H....
Read MoreHow and When Does Magma Cool?
Evidence to make you question the reliability of radiometric dating: “The following is a quote from The Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology by Tarbuck & Lutgens, pp. 55-57, (1987). “For example, at the stage when about 50 percent of the magma has solidified, the melt will be greatly depleted in iron, magnesium, and calcium, because these elements are found in the earliest formed minerals. But at the same time, it will be enriched in the elements...
Read MoreFollowing Dino Tracks Lead Us To Conclude That There Was A Flood!
“All the footprints are indeed going in the same direction, as if all the dinosaurs are fleeing, but what were they fleeing from? We suggest it was not from predators, but from a flood of water. What flood? Noah’s Flood, described in the Bible in Genesis Chapters 6–9. Another reason is that footprints normally don’t last long. Try this yourself: leave footprints outside anywhere you like, and see how long they last. Noah’s worldwide flood provided the sediment...
Read MoreComets – still a problem for billions of years!
Here is more evidence showing a lack of evidence for the Kuiper Belt. This means that there is still not enough evidence for the natural origins of short-period comets and this points to a recent Creation and Creator!! Read more here: https://creation.com/charon-crater-comet-conundrum
Read MoreNo way to produce Uranus and Neptune!
“In naturalistic models, the farther a planet is from the middle of the nebular gas and dust cloud, the longer it would take for that planet to form. The alleged 4.5-billion-year age assigned to the solar system is not enough for the two most distant planets, Uranus and Neptune, to have formed in this way. Hence Uranus and Neptune both falsify the nebular hypothesis regarding their origin from it. One secularist astronomer has commented: “What is clear is that...
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