“What about the universe? The currently favoured evolutionary cosmology is the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) model. Apparently it’s the best solution and the one we should all believe, subject to a few kinks being ironed out sometime in the future (e.g. the ‘Axis of Evil’—yes, that’s literally what scientists are calling it). However, the ΛCDM model is starting to look like software that has a new hot-fix each time a bug emerges: — ‘The mass of the universe isn’t...
Read MoreDoes the Evidence within Astronomy Fit with Billions of Years of Natural Changes?
“Consider the formation of stars, galaxies and our solar system. They supposedly formed from gas and dust clouds clumping together, rather than dispersing. But no model can successfully simulate this—and definitely not in a way that puts the sun rotating at 7° from the planets’ orbits in our star system. For almost every solar system body, the magnetic field strength is a surprise. Mercury shouldn’t have a magnetic field (but it does); surely Venus and Mars should...
Read MoreA Moving Mountain!
Mount Mannen in Norway is collapsing! This is puzzling to secular scientists. Notice how our worldview affects the way we view the evidence: “People tend to regard mountains as more or less permanent fixtures, so they are generally surprised when they undergo rapid changes.11 One big factor in this surprise is the way in which the philosophy of uniformitarianism is deeply interwoven into modern culture. Any discussion of geological features always involves the...
Read MorePETRIFIED Bags of Flour!!
“You are looking at parts of petrified flour sacks from the Blue Spring mill.’ Although not suitable to eat, these sacks of petrified flour give lots of ‘food for thought”. “It is commonly believed that petrification is a process taking millions of years … not true! Under ideal conditions petrification can take place in as few as three weeks.” Read more here: https://creation.com/petrified-flour
Read MoreC-14 All Throughout the Geologic Column!!
C-14 has been found all throughout the geologic column!! To follow-up from Yesterday’s post, since C-14 shouldn’t last more than 100,000 years, evolutionists find it pointless to C-14 date items thought to be millions of years old. And to be fair, it would be pointless if their assumptions were true, but the evidence points to the fact that these items are not millions of years old. There are many examples of research that reports that C-14 has been found in: -“70 samples...
Read MoreAbsurdly Inappropriate and Useless??
“Absurdly inappropriate and useless” or worthwhile to the progress of science?!?! Prominent professor of evolutionary biology, PZ Myers, had the following to say about a challenge to extend the scientific investigation. Think about the assumptions being made. Why is he so closed off to furthering this scientific study? “Mary Schweitzer and Jack Horner identified some peculiar soft tissue deep in a T. rex bone, which Schweitzer claims is preserved collagen or fragments of...
Read MoreHow Tall??
According to Wikipedia, the Colorado Plateau rose up 20 million years ago. -Based on 7 in of erosion / 1000 years, in 20 million years, 11,666 ft would erode. The Colorado plateau is currently between 5000-7000 ft elevation. So was the plateau 17,000 ft tall??
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