Creation Conference – Colorado Springs, CO

Posted on Sep 6, 2018 in | 0 comments

A Bible Conference on Origins of Life and Creation Science from Front Range Bible Institute and Mesa Hills Bible Church Conference Schedule Friday, September 21st 6 pm – Registration 6:30 – 7:30 – Session 1: A Preliminary Overview of Evolution and Creationism (Bill Hoesch) 7:30 – 7:45 – Break 7:45 – 8:45 – Session 2: Genetics and the Evidence for Special Design (Dave Nutting) 8:45 – 9:15 – Fellowship and Resource Sales...

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Creation Training – Whitewater, KS

Posted on Aug 3, 2018 in | 0 comments

We want to help you and your friends to be strengthened in your faith and to find answers from God’s Word confirmed by the Scientific Evidences!   Evidence from Geology, Biology, and Anthropology Many believe that evolution is basically a proven fact. We will explore each of the major scientific disciplines – Geology, Biology, and Anthropology. We will see major problems for the evolutionary/naturalistic perspective in not just one of those disciplines but in all of...

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