Overnight Family Field Trip to Canyonlands and Arches!!
~ Biblical Tour of Canyonlands all day Fri, Mar 28th
~ Biblical Tour of Arches all day Sat, Mar 29th
~ This is an open invitation (with RSVP). Feel free to come either or both days.
~ Each family to caravan or carpool as desired.
~ We are offering these field trips on a love offering basis so there is no necessary charge.
~ You are responsible for your own entry fees and meals.
~ A number of us may reserve at the same campground that has reasonable rates for those that want that overnight stay and for that potential group connection!
~ Feel free to invite anyone else that you know may be interested!! This trip has been a blessing to make really close friends!
~ RSVP to me, Brian Mariani so that I know who our group is: [email protected]