God at Work in our Lives!! – 2022

God at Work in our Lives!! – 2022

Posted on Nov 23, 2022 in Blog Posts, General News from the Front, Johnsons from the Front, Marianis from the Front, Nuttings from the Front, Stepaneks from the Front | 0 comments

      Dave and Mary Jo Nutting: During our seminars, we like to see eyes light up when we expose the issues of evolution and present a positive case for Creation. However, we also thrive on the relationships fostered by longer-term camps and tours. This note was from one of the participants from our Yellowstone tour:   “Thank you again so  much! Your encouragement, listening ear, attention (and patience) with our kids, your courage and passion to share...

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Cross-Bedded Sandstones: Windblown or Water Carried?

Cross-Bedded Sandstones: Windblown or Water Carried?

Posted on May 6, 2020 in Blog Posts, Nuttings from the Front | 7 comments

  Cross what? Sandstone was formed from sand that became washed or blown into place and later cemented together by waterborne minerals to become solid rock. Crossbedding refers to a specific type of layering which is noticeable in many sandstone deposits. In the picture above, notice the flat horizontal line and then the layers dipping downward to the left. This is typical crossbedding. Measuring the angle that the layers dip can give a clue as to what deposited the...

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Population Estimates – A Major Problem for Evolution

Posted on Oct 1, 2013 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

  When Mary Jo and I were at Northern Illinois University giving Creation programs, a student asked how it was even possible that the 8 people who got off the ark could have reproduced enough offspring to account for the population during the short duration from the Flood to the Exodus, led by Moses, out of Egypt. Actually there is no issue for Biblical timeframes, but instead, population studies pose a huge issue for evolutionary assumptions. Using the average...

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Aching for Real — Crying for Truth!

Posted on Jun 30, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

I had just given a presentation to a Sunday school class in Austin, Texas. My topic was “How Can You Believe the Bible in Light of the ‘Facts’ of Evolution?” Pretending to be an atheist professor, I hit the young adults with a barrage of “proofs” for evolution and other arguments for why the Bible could not be trusted. Switching gears, I then tore apart many of those arguments showing that they were totally false or misleading even though they came right out of textbooks or...

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Side Trip Excursion

Posted on Jun 22, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

Too many times when we are on the speaking circuit, we just point the nose of the vehicle to get from point A to point B without seeing what else is around us.  This time on our way back from speaking in Las Vegas, we had an extra day to explore! We got off the interstate in Utah and took the scenic route back to Grand Junction, camped overnight, and got in a good hike. Yes, interstate highways do afford some good scenery, but there is so much more out there if we take the...

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Special – Lowered Prices at Creation Family Adventure

Posted on Jun 10, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

We are excited to announce that prices for this year’s Creation Family Adventure at Redcloud have been reduced by 15% — and there is still room for YOU and your family. These vacations are more than just a “vacation.” They are truly “vacations with a purpose.” Creation teaching, family building activities, great fellowship, opportunities to focus on the Lord and His Word – all in the magnificent beauty of Colorado’s high mountain country. AOI provides: Fascinating,...

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Training Week in Springfield, MO

Posted on Jun 8, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

We just got home from leading a Creation Training Week in Springfield, MO. Despite thunderstorms, tornado warnings, and high winds, the week went extremely well. Ten people participated in the training. We were much encouraged by their interest in creation teaching, the quality of their presentations, the depth of discussion, and the great times of fellowship. We started doing intensive Creation Training Weeks back in 2006, to help individuals deepen their knowledge and...

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Posted on May 31, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

Daryl Witmer wrote in his newsletter to me that there seems to be a switch in our society from a “prove it to me” mentality to a non-committal, “Whatever.” Think about it. I wonder how many times we just let things slide with a casual “whatever” when we should be taking serious action. Many parents have taken the “whatever” approach to what their children are getting in school, especially relating to evolution.  The frequent result is that their children sink deep into the...

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Ducking the Tornadoes

Posted on May 25, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

Earlier that same day, we went right through the area in Oklahoma City that was hit with a tornado yesterday. Last night, the weather service is reporting a significant chance of tornadoes where we are staying just outside Springfield. YIKES! We are hoping the Lord allows us to duck those as well. Where Mary Jo & I live in Grand Junction, Co, we are happy to report that they have not spotted a tornado for almost 100 years. So, right now, we are certainly enjoying the...

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Bryce Canyon

Posted on May 20, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

  Part of the student requirements for the geology field class that Mary Jo & I led to the Southwest was a written Travel Guide for the trip. The students were divided into groups of 4-5 and each group wrote their own “Guidebook” complete with photos and written descriptions of the sites visited. Part of the reason to have them do this is to have them think more deeply about what they are seeing and to have something to remind them of the trip. One of the student groups...

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Kodachrome Basin

Posted on May 18, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

The name says it all, especially if you are familiar with the older slide film called Kodachrome. There is so much beautiful scenery there just waiting for the camera! However, to me it may be one of the most significant sites that we took our caravan of 40 to on the Jackson Hole Bible college geology field trip of the Southwest.   Why is this significant? Here we find columns or pipes of light-colored sandstone protruding through a  very red-colored Entrada sandstone...

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Onward to Zion!

Posted on May 17, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

No, we didn’t go to the Biblical Zion, but our caravan of 40 headed to Zion National Park. It is a beautiful place with sheer sandstone cliffs reaching 2000 feet above. This place is a rock climber’s dream and for the climber’s mother, a nightmare! Much of the sheer cliffs are of Navaho sandstone. In some places, the sandstone is heavily cross-bedded leading the Park officials to think that the sand was put down over millions of years in ancient wind-blown desert sand...

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