A Starburst in the Middle East…or Out-of-Africa??

A Starburst in the Middle East…or Out-of-Africa??

Posted on Nov 11, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  A Starburst in the Middle East rather than the Out-of-Africa idea of the Origin of Human Cultures! Is there any historical account that would describe a dispersion of people groups from the Middle East??? “Quite notably, they discovered that both the maternal and paternal unrooted phylogenetic analyses gave very similar results. The first key similarity observed was that the branching pattern displayed in both DNA datasets indicated a large expansion of human...

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Genetic Evidence for the three daughter-in-laws of Noah!!

Posted on Nov 9, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 2 comments

  “Jeanson showed how major mitochondrial DNA lineages followed a maternal ancestry back to the three wives of Noah’s sons (figure 2).22” “Figure 2. An unrooted mitochondrial DNA tree representing 369 individuals of different ethnicities. The large block arrows point to the three major branch nodes believed to correspond to the wives of Noah’s three sons (from Jeanson22)” Read more here:...

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5-10 Thousand Not Hundreds of Thousands!!

5-10 Thousand Not Hundreds of Thousands!!

Posted on Nov 2, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  Here is great Genetic Evidence that the human race all traced back only several thousand years not hundreds of thousands as assumed by evolutionary models!! “Research by both secular and creation scientists indicates a date of modern human origins of not more than 5,000 to 10,000 years (reviewed by Tomkins in 2015).12 For the purposes of this current review, I will briefly summarize these earlier findings before describing more recent efforts that confirm and...

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Death Valley – a Large Ice Age Lake!!

Death Valley – a Large Ice Age Lake!!

Posted on Oct 28, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Death Valley was a large lake during the ice age!! This is a Huge Challenge for Secular Ice Age Models! “These ‘once-wet’ deserts are extremely difficult for a uniformitarian earth scientist to explain, because their Ice Age models require a very cold and thus much drier climate than we have today… …An Ice Age requires abundant precipitation (moisture condensing out of the air) to make the ice sheets, and to fill the ancient Ice Age lakes. The problem the...

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Fascinating Dating Argument:

Fascinating Dating Argument:

Posted on Oct 26, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “Radiometric dating is not objective science. It is not like measuring the length of something, or its weight. Scientists don’t argue about the chemical composition of a rock, because measurements like that are objective, experimental science. However, they do argue over calculated dates because every calculation is based on assumptions about the past, assumptions that cannot be checked because we do not have a time machine. And if the dates are unappealing...

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Mathematics – Evidence of God and His character!

Mathematics – Evidence of God and His character!

Posted on Oct 21, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “Unbelievers can use the mechanics of mathematics without being able to explain what counting is or provide a logically consistent reason for why mathematics works, particularly when applied to natural systems. The problem is that their worldview claims that the universe came into existence by chance and has no non-material dimension (e.g., everlasting human souls). The fact that materialistic naturalists count and use complex mathematics to accomplish amazing...

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Jesus really lived!!

Jesus really lived!!

Posted on Oct 19, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “Among scholars of the New Testament of the Christian Bible, though, there is little disagreement that he actually lived. Lawrence Mykytiuk, an associate professor of library science at Purdue University and author of a 2015 Biblical Archaeology Review article on the extra-biblical evidence of Jesus, notes that there was no debate about the issue in ancient times either. “Jewish rabbis who did not like Jesus or his followers accused him of being a magician and...

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Venus could be geologically active – a potential problem for billions of years!

Venus could be geologically active – a potential problem for billions of years!

Posted on Oct 14, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “Active volcanism on Venus may not necessarily be a problem for uniformitarianism. In any case, it is worth pointing out that this is just one in a long list of solar system discoveries that surprised secular scientists. They were surprised that Mercury had a magnetic field.7 They were surprised that our Moon is still geologically active, and that lunar rockfalls are still occurring.8,9 They were surprised by Jupiter’s moon Io, Saturn’s moon Enceladus, Saturn’s moon...

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Evidence of a Biblical Earthquake

Evidence of a Biblical Earthquake

Posted on Oct 12, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Evidence of biblical earthquake from days of King Uzziah found in Jerusalem! Confirmation yet again that the Bible is True! Take note of Mary Jo’s personal experience seeing some of this evidence: “We visited another site in Israel where you could clearly see evidence of the earthquake predicted by Amos in the days of King Uzziah. It was one of the most memorable sites in Israel for me. Now they have found evidence in Jerusalem that seems like it was from this earthquake...

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Bent Rock Layers – Evidence of the Flood!

Bent Rock Layers – Evidence of the Flood!

Posted on Oct 7, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “Normally, solid rock cannot bend without breaking, so this leaves only two options for bending: either the rock layer was bent while still soft, shortly after being deposited by water, or after the layer had fully hardened, it was bent by pressures which made the rock plastic, like playdough. Geologists who believe the layers were laid down over millions of years accept the latter option.” One geologist’s in-depth, four year study concludes: “By comparing the...

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If you are an evolutionist, consider these:

If you are an evolutionist, consider these:

Posted on Oct 6, 2021 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

  “All three disciplines [Biology, Geology/Paleontology, and Cosmology] are replete with evidence that is inconsistent with the [Naturalistic Evolutionary] paradigm. For example, evidence from genetics clearly shows that mutations, rather than creating new and ever-more complex DNA as required by evolution, cause continuous degradation of DNA. Geneticist, Dr John Sanford, calls this genetic entropy and it eventually causes extinction. This happens so fast that humans...

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