God is a great Communicator. From the very beginning of time, He has been speaking. Just notice how often the phrase “God said” appears in Genesis 1. Truly, the universe was created by His powerful Word. Hebrews 11:3 says, “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Then, after creating man, God established communication with him. Even after Adam fell into sin, God came...
Read MoreGod’s Created Creatures Communicate
Not only does God communicate through His creation and to mankind, we also see that many of His creatures are also able to communicate in unique and interesting ways. Consider the following examples: Ants have always been known for being masters of communication. Mary Jo and I confirmed that while watching ants in a huge ant farm in a natural history museum. One ant was carrying a very large load when it stumbled crossing a narrow “log bridge.” It continued to grasp its...
Read MoreHints of Life on Saturn Moon
If you saw an article with this title, what would you think? Obviously, you’d think somebody had found evidence for life on one of Saturn’s moons. Well, the title is real. But its implication is not. The article appeared earlier this year in New Scientist [2], a respected scientific journal. It described an analysis of certain chemicals on Saturn’s moon Titan. The analysis did not reveal any evidence of life. Instead, evolutionists are speculating that...
Read MoreWhat is a Day?
How long is a day? Now this might seem like a silly question; however, some people believe the days of Creation that we read about in the book of Genesis in the Bible are long periods of time, not real, ordinary, 24 hour days. Believing that the millions of years that evolution teaches are true, they try to change how long a day of the Bible is to fit with these long ages. Some think the Bible teaches that each day of Creation can be a thousand years …“But, beloved, be not...
Read MoreThe Moon is dry, the evolutionary model is saved. Oops, maybe not. Never mind again
In 2008, a shocking discovery was announced. Scientists had analyzed some lunar soils that Apollo astronauts had brought back from the Moon over 30 years earlier. They found that the soils contained traces of water. Not only that, the water was contained within tiny spheres of volcanic glass. This means that there’s water deep inside the Moon, not just on the surface. In fact, the concentration of water down there might even be comparable to the concentration of water...
Read MoreNovember/December Newsletter Online
We wanted to let all of our readers know that we have posted the newest Think and Believe and Kids Think and Believe, Too! to the website. I have provided the links below. New articles like “God Still Speaks” and “What is a day?” are there for your education and encouragement. Please forward on links to our website to any friend who may be edified or challenged. Again, we would like to thank everyone who came in to help stuff the envelopes. We...
Read MoreBible’s Records of Creation-Written in Legalese?
Surveying the sordid history of our world, it’s obvious that social relations between humans are often plagued by misunderstanding. A lot of this misunderstanding is due to unclear language. To address this chronic human problem, we have established courts of law. Courts, in turn, have developed their own distinctive method of communicating clearly. Lawyers employ a language style known to non-lawyers as “legalese.” One of the main features of “legalese” is repetition. ...
Read MoreMore “Living Fossils”
For the Laotian Rock Rat it was a day like any other. Then the men started chasing him. Running for his life, he was determined not to end up in a meat market like the rest of his family. Finally, he tired and was captured. Instead of knives, however, these men carried cameras. After some pictures, he was gently returned to the rocks from which he was taken. What was the occasion? Why the special treatment? Meanwhile, deep in the Coral Sea, an innocent shrimp-like...
Read MoreStandards of Proof
In the midst of the creation/evolution debate, it’s helpful to step back from the evidence and consider the issue of proof standards. Legal procedure generally recognizes two levels of proof. The first is “beyond a reasonable doubt.”It is the highest proof standard, and is considered necessary in order to deprive a person of life or liberty. It essentially means that guilt for a crime must be proved to the point that there is no other reasonable possibility. The second...
Read MoreTheistic Evolution – Death Before Sin
Many Christians compromise with modern science by adopting Theistic Evolution – that God used millions of years of evolution as His method of creating. Besides the obvious fact that God said He created it, a huge theological problem exists. According to Theistic Evolution, we have death before sin. In fact, millions of years of death preceded and produced Adam. However, the Bible says death came into the creation as the result of Adam & Eve’s sin. These are...
Read MoreSanctity of Life
I was asked recently to do a talk for Master Plan Ministries at Mesa State College (www.master-plan-ministries.org/msc/). The staff had heard my presentation on The Miracle of Life, Part 1, and felt it would be a good talk to present to their Christian college club Tuesday Night Live (TNL). This talk takes a look at the male reproduction system (a very conservative approach – no offensive graphics or terms) and why conception could never have even taken place unless...
Read MoreIce Age and the Flood
To explain the Ice Age, think Flood. Post-flood oceans were likely quite warm, due largely to undersea vulcanism. Warm, moist air masses from these hot oceans dumped massive precipitation over the emerging cooler continents. Near the colder center of the continents and in the higher altitudes, tremendous amounts of snow would have accumulated leading to the Ice Age. The oceans finally cooled allowing the ice to recede. According to meteorologist, Michael Oard, in his books,...
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