The Bible indicates the universe is young but why does it appear so old? Physicist, Dr. Russell Humphreys studied this problem for about 12 years. His professional career as a scientist at Sandia Laboratories includes investigating various aspects of nuclear energy which requires a thorough understanding of relativity theory. His answer to the problem is based upon Einstein’s prediction that clocks run at different rates. The rate that a clock records time has been...
Read MoreThe Heavens Declare God’s Glory – 2001
Have you even been struck with awe and wonder on a clear, starlit night? There is something special about the stars that lift our eyes heavenward and our thoughts beyond every day cares. Somehow, in a very real way, God reveals His Glory in the heavens. In our modern world of cities, smog, and electric lights, we can often go for weeks without gazing at the stars; but I suspect it wasn’t that way in times past. For settlers scattered on the plains of the American west,...
Read MoreGreat is our God
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shewest his handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. (Psalsm 19:1-3) As a child, few things jarred my awareness for the existence of God more than a clear summer’s night sky. The incomprehensible vastness and peaceful sparkling beauty testified of an all-wise, all-powerful God. The Bible states that on the fourth...
Read MoreThose Incredible Dolphins!
“By all rights, life in the sea should leave a dolphinbaked, crushed, and sterile. This graceful mammal avoids such a fate only by slipping through loopholes in the laws of physiology.” With such a come-on, who could resist reading “The Dolphin Strategy,” in the March, 1997, issue of Discover? The discoveries revealed in the article proved to be fascinating and exciting. One puzzle for scientists was the problem of oxygen consumption on a deep dive. Research showed that...
Read MoreLight From Distant Stars
Opponents of a literal interpretation of Genesis 1 often state, “Given the size of the universe and the speed of light, it would take the light billions of years to reach the earth. Therefore the universe can’t be young. If it was, we couldn’t even see most of the stars.” How can a young-age creationist answer this challenge? First we believe that God is powerful enough to create a universe that can be seen! How He did this, we may never know. Some suggest that the...
Read MoreThe Heavens Declare God’s Glory
Children wonder and scientists theorize, but Scripture too speaks of the stars, and gives some interesting information that ancient people would have no way of knowing apart from revelation. Scientists estimate there are over 10 million billion billion stars. Isn’t it interesting that long before telescopes were invented when people still thought they could actually number the stars, the Bible talked about the stars being too many to be counted! Even if you could count 20...
Read MoreSpeed of Light Revisited
A major area of research among creationist physicists concerns the speed of light. This has a real significance to the creation-evolution debate. Astronomers have frequently argued that, given the known speed of light and the apparent distance of most of the stars in the universe, the universe must be extremely old, just by virtue of the fact that we can see it. One major assumption of the argument is that the speed of light has always been a constant. If that one...
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