Archaeologists are puzzled by what has recently been found. Stone age artifacts have been found in Iron Age tombs. This is a conundrum for an evolutionary worldview, but how about a creationist worldview. Check out a recent interview with Frank Sherwin of the Institute for Creation Research on Issues, Etc. Listen to the Interview on the Issues, Etc. website at: From the Archives of the Issues, Etc. website: Take a...
Read MoreDragon Fossil?
Dracorex – The dinosaur that looks like a dragon For many years creationists have been making connections between dinosaurs and dragons. However, dragons are often portrayed as having fanciful features like wings, bizarre horns and claws, and the ability to breathe fire. Enter the Dragon Say hello to Dracorex hogwartsia. It’s more eye-catching than most dinosaurs because it’s what most people imagine dragons looking like. Yet this is a real animal! The nearly complete...
Read MoreShakeups Continue Among Human Evolutionary Candidates
The theory of human evolution is taking yet another hit from recent scientific studies, from the first analysis of the Neandertal genome to painstakingly reconstructed Ardipithicus ramidus and Australopithecus sediba remains. The profusion of evolutionarily bias in media reports, however, can make it tricky to uncover the real evidence. What can science actually reveal about each of these and other specimens, as either candidates for human ancestry or as uniquely designed...
Read MoreThere is No Genetic Code for the Human Soul
“For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” James 2:26 The $250 million Human Genome Project is attempting to map all the human genes. Some observers have been saying that the human genome project will define what it means to be human. Such talk, however, is based on evolution. We are not the sum of our DNA. It is well known, for example, that two people can inherit the same weakness for alcohol. One may become an...
Read MoreRiver Deltas and the Age of the Earth
If the world is millions or billions of years old as evolutionists claim, river deltas should extend hundreds of times farther out into the ocean than they do. If earth were created around 6000 years ago as the Bible leads us to believe, deltas should be more or less the length we find them now. So what can those who insist on believing in millions of years claim if they look at a map and see that the longest deltas at the mouths of the worlds large rivers only extend...
Read MoreNoah’s Ark Has Been Found?
Did you hear about the recent claim that Noah’s ark has been found? ( ) Within 24 hours of the original news report, another report indicated that it is a hoax. ( ) Which one is reliable? We are not sure, yet, but are still waiting for more dust to settle before making a determination. While most Christians...
Read MorePolar Bear Warmth
Even a polar bear has to keep warm. Part of its heat is produced in the daylight by the sun shining on its fur. The fur consists of clear, hollow hairs which are very similar in design to fiber optics. Sunlight penetrates these fibers and the warmth from the sun is transferred directly into the body. The hollow hair also provides a dead air space for insulation, thus helping the polar bear stay warm longer. Is it fair to say that since fiber optics are highly designed, so...
Read MoreEvolutionary Leftovers
Evolutionists used to believe and teach that 180 parts of the human body were “vestigial”, or useless leftovers, from our supposed past evolution. We now realize that these are not unnecessary leftovers, but actually have very important functions. Included on that list were such crucial parts of our body such as the pituitary gland (the master gland of the body), and the thymus, etc. Even today, people still call the appendix and the tonsils leftovers from our...
Read MoreOut of Order Fossils
Some rock layers contain fossils that are found out of the supposed evolutionary order, i.e. older fossils on top of younger fossils. This is usually explained by a concept called “overthrusting.” In this process, rock layers break up and one section is uplifted. Forces push the one layer containing the older fossils over the top of the younger layers. In some cases, there seems to be evidence of this, and at other times there is absolutely no evidence. But we...
Read MoreFine Line Between Colored Layers and Polystrate Fossils
Frequently, one colored geologic formation is tightly stacked upon another formation. If there were really millions of years of gradual deposition (as normally assumed), wouldn’t the water saturated with the chemicals responsible for the coloration have seeped into the formations below? This would result in unclear boundaries between formations, but we see razor sharp boundaries. Perhaps alternating currents during the time of the Flood quickly stacked one layer on...
Read MoreThe Great Unconformity
Throughout the world, there is a sharp break between ancient rock and the sedimentary or volcanic material on top of it. This is called the “Great Unconformity.” In many places just above this break, large deposits of rock debris including very large boulders are found. It appears like a major water catastrophe planed off the existing landscape leaving the large boulders behind. This is considered by many Biblical geologists to represent the time of the initial...
Read MoreLimestone Fossils Question Time and Support a Flood
Fossil Clams and Orthoceras Bedding Directions Some limestone layers found in Texas contain thousands of petrified clams. The clams are so tightly packed, they are touching each other. Clams don’t normally live nor die the way they are found. Most of the fossils are tightly closed. Since clam shells open when a clam dies, these clams were buried alive so quickly that they didn’t have a chance to dig their way out of the sediment. This mass mortality of clams...
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