Well-known American Atheist philosopher, Thomas Nagel said, “What is lacking, to my knowledge, is a credible argument that the story [of cosmic evolution] has a nonnegligible probability of being true. There are two questions. First, given what is known about the chemical basis of biology and genetics, what is the likelihood that self-reproducing life forms should have come into existence spontaneously on the early earth, solely through the operation of the laws of...
Read MoreEvidence for a Moral Law Giver (AKA GOD!)
“University of Texas at Austin professor J. Budziszewski writes, “Everyone knows certain principles. There is no land where murder is virtue and gratitude vice.”1 S. Lewis, who has written profoundly on this topic in his classic work Mere Christianity, put it this way: “Think of a country where people were admired for running away in battle, or where a man felt proud of double-crossing all the people who had been kindest to him. You might just as well try to...
Read MoreAll Men Created Equal??
Discussion question: To any modern atheist out there, is the statement below true? Should it be edited? If so, how?? “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Picture from: https://pixabay.com/photos/philadelphia-independence-hall-4608722/ accessed...
Read MoreCool Testimony!!
I came across this article in an older Think & Believe Newsletter. As I was, I think you will be blessed by Lanny’s testimony here: “All of the AOI speakers minister to thousands of people every year both in groups and one-to-one. Because of the traveling nature of AOI’s ministry, we share for a brief time, but then travel down the road to a new event. Mostly, all we are able to do is plant a seed of truth and encouragement, and pray that it falls on fertile soil. The...
Read MoreGoing down, down, down!!
“Mendel’s Accountant is the most accurate software available for realistically simulating evolutionary genetic models. It was created by the Institute for Creation Research. Crude forerunners of this software were created earlier by evolutionists, but, since the software did not support their theory, they abandoned it. Mendel’s Accountant shows that mutations accumulate in a highly linear manner. In other words, almost all mutations do not have a noticeable...
Read MoreWhy a Young Earth is So Important!
Great article on why believing in a Young Earth as a Christian is so important! See the authors conclusion here: “In closing, it is my strongest conviction as a Christian that 6-day creation is the only long term viable option for Christian theology. As D. Martin Lloyd-Jones said, “I have no gospel unless Genesis is history.”” Read more detail here: https://isgenesishistory.com/6-reasons-christians-embrace-6-day-creation/ Picture from:...
Read MoreGreat Question and Great Answer: Why would a perfect, good God allow bad things to happen?
He uses even the bad things for His good and His glory!** See this description: https://creation.com/designer-debris-in-space If you will permit me to add to that: A few years ago, I (Brian) met a man who told me that he worked a few blocks from the Pentagon on 9/11. It was a horribly tragic thing that happened that day and so many lost their lives, so I don’t want to lessen that tragedy, but to turn our focus to see that God really brought a lot of good from that day too!...
Read MoreBias and Censorship within Science!!
These are fascinating sections that incorporates numerous secular scientists’ own words on the problems with communicating the problems with modern evolutionary theories. I have copied a large section here, because I want you to read it! I thought it was so telling to hear it from the secular experts: “The concealment of funding Lynn Margulis saw that government funding for evolutionary research comes in a disjointed manner from various distinctly separate...
Read MorePraise the Lord for Dr. Menton!
Dr. David Menton had a tremendous impact on sharing God’s Word and God’s Truth to this work that needs True Hope. Praise God for the legacy he left behind! “Dr. Menton was well known around the US and at the Creation Museum for his stimulating talks, such as “The Hearing Ear and the Seeing Eye” (on the remarkable complexity of the human body), “Three Ways to Make an Apeman” (comparing the anatomy of apelike creatures in the fossil record to humans),...
Read MoreMarvelously Mysterious Mini Moons of Mars!!
You could throw a baseball into orbit around Phobos!! …And even catch it as it comes around again!! Here is more detail: “Phobos is the larger of the two and only about 10 miles in diameter. Since Phobos has so little mass, its gravity is minuscule. In fact, you could pick up a baseball and toss it into orbit around Phobos. And, if you threw it just right, you could turn around and catch it as it completed a loop!5 …Were they once asteroids that...
Read MoreDoes it really matter??
Read this carefully! “I remember in seminary the theology professor saying, “The Hebrew text in Genesis clearly points to a recent creation and the creation days being ordinary days, but science points to an old earth—so you guys go figure it out.” This left me with lingering questions. Why would God be so clear about the history in Genesis if ‘science’ disproves it so readily? How could the God who transmitted Scripture through inspired human authorship be a...
Read MoreFor 30 years, we thought we had 24 pairs of chromosomes.
The influence of one scientist affected everyone’s conclusions! Yes, I suppose there is bias and assumptions common within scientific disciplines. “But so powerful was the ‘authority’ of the distinguished Theophilus Painter, that this number was unchallenged for more than 30 years. According to BBC commentator Robert Matthews, “For years biochemists refused to believe humans possess 23 pairs of chromosomes”. Why? “Because it contradicted the claims” of...
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