Out of the Mouth of Babes

Posted on Jan 20, 2011 in Articles | 0 comments

Most linguists agree that children are born as universalists; meaning that they have the potential to speak any language.  It is obvious that speech patterns become more ordered and sophisticated as a child grows.  However, for spoken language to develop, the links between the phases of development must be exact and complete before the next phase can be achieved.  For example, if a child is interrupted in one stage of development by trauma or lack of stimulation, it is...

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The Marine Iguana

Posted on Jan 20, 2011 in Kid's Think & Believe Too! | 4 comments

Marine iguanas are found only on the Galápagos Islands located in the Pacific Ocean near Ecuador, South America. They are the only lizards that are able to live and feed in the sea. Marine iguanas are vegetarians. They feed on seaweed and algae which they find on rocks, in tidal pools, or in the sea. The adult males can grow to over 5 feet long and the females up to almost 4 feet. On land, marine iguanas are rather clumsy lizards, but in the water they are powerful,...

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Polar Bears and Dogs Playing!

Posted on Jan 13, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

I just saw a short video on the Mercoloa.com website showing adult polar bears playing with sled dogs. They were quite friendly with each other. The bears actually gave the dogs “bear hugs.”  Both the dogs and the bears are carnivores and could be quite vicious. It made me think of what the original creation was like with all the animals getting along with each other — perhaps playing like these were. Likely, Adam & Eve were also thoroughly enjoying them....

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The Nature of Instinct

Posted on Jan 13, 2011 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Suppose a group of scientists were walking along the beach, and they ran across a message written in the sand.  Suppose, in addition, these same scientists praised the grains of sand for their ability to organize themselves in this way.  Obviously, we would say they were crazy.  Yet, the same scientists can say that the unique design of animals, including their instinctive behavior, somehow came about by random processes and, ironically, most of society accepts it. In...

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Posted on Jan 11, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

In my past 2 blogs (His Workmanship and Chosen to Bear Fruit), I have looked a little bit at what it means to be a new creation in Christ and how we can bear fruit. The Bible talks much about fruitfulness – and bearing fruit for His Kingdom is one of the greatest desires of my life. But the question might be asked: What is this fruit? We often think of souls won for the Kingdom of God, and certainly this is wonderful fruit for which we can be grateful. But fruitfulness is...

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God’s Handiwork! Amazing!

Posted on Jan 7, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

I was just thinking about the marvel of God’s Creation. The detail He put into His creation is absolutely amazing. Look at the exquisite designs of the snowflake (earlier blog), the wonderful design of our eyes, or think about the intricate details and bewildering complexity of the cell. Looking deeper we see even more supreme technology in the inner workings of the cell, including sophisticated molecular motors and the computer instructions we call the DNA. Contrast that...

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“Historic-earth” Creationist

Posted on Jan 5, 2011 in Johnsons from the Front | 2 comments

“Are you a Young Earth or an Old Earth creationist?” This is a question we get quite often, especially when trying to set up seminars with churches or groups that have never seen or heard of our program. My answer used to always be “Young Earth”. However, I now give a different answer to the question. Now don’t get me wrong … I do believe in a young earth, recently created about 6000 years ago. I believe in that age because of the genealogies...

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Chosen to Bear Fruit

Posted on Dec 31, 2010 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

In my last blog (His Workmanship), I shared some thoughts from Andrew Murray about being God’s workmanship and being “in Christ” by His work. We become a “new creation” when we are joined to Christ, and bear much fruit as we stay connected to Him. Let’s explore these truths a bit further. Have you ever thought about how a vine produces fruit? It’s certainly not by thinking or effort on the part of the vine. Fruitfulness comes naturally as the branches are connected to the...

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Evolution and Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer!

Posted on Dec 30, 2010 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

I just received a call from a friend of mine who had watched a Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer Christmas/New Year’s program on television. They must have worked really hard to weave it into the story, but sure enough, they managed to squeeze evolution into it! They went back through “Father Time” to the first “Father Time” “millions of years ago.” Of course, in keeping with the true spirit of evolution, “Father Time” back then was a hunched over half-man/half-ape caveman....

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Where did all that water go?

Posted on Dec 30, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

There are two questions that are frequently asked regarding the Flood.  The first one is, “If there really was a global flood, where did all that water go?  The second is, “How could there be a worldwide flood?  We do not have enough water to cover the whole earth above the tallest mountains. These arguments sound good on the surface until one dives a bit deeper.  The answer to this question is amazingly simple yet well-known (and even Christian) scholars have never thought...

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Black Bart the Friendly Pirate

Posted on Dec 29, 2010 in Johnsons from the Front | 0 comments

Just before Christmas, we had a visitor adopt us … a coal black raven. I have been putting scraps, left over from butchering an elk, out near our pond for the wildlife to enjoy. The birds have really enjoyed this “manna” from heaven. Within minutes of putting out the scraps, magpies show up, followed by ravens, blue birds, and then an occasional red-tailed hawk. Coyotes and bobcats have also visited the banquet. One day I was kneeling on the ground out in the...

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His Workmanship

Posted on Dec 28, 2010 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

In his classic, Abide in Christ, Andrew Murray powerfully reminds us: “God Himself Has United You To Him.“ According to I Cor. 1:30, “Of God are ye in Christ Jesus … ” We are “in Christ,” not of our doing, but of God’s – and therein lies our confidence and our fruitfulness. Murray writes: “You are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works”: grafted by Him into Christ, unto the bringing forth of much fruit. Whatever God creates is exquisitely suited to its...

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