You Shall Know the Truth

Posted on Feb 16, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

Several years ago, I heard an atheistic, evolutionary university professor comment, “I wouldn’t know truth if it stared me in the face.” Unfortunately, that statement was probably more “true” for him than he realized. It seems that today there is a real “famine” of truth in our society. We are continually bombarded with “information,” but how much of it is real, solid truth? Outright deception and lies abound. In addition, bits and pieces of “truth” are mixed with opinion,...

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Creation Centers

Posted on Feb 11, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

On the way back from our speaking trip in Texas, Mary Jo & I had the pleasure of stopping by two Creation centers. The Discovery Center in Abilene is run by Tommy and Caroline Walden. They are very energetic people with a real passion for creation. A popular exhibit is their talking robot. The Center has some fossils and various creation displays. An exhibit they are developing features material donated relating to the Titanic. Their message will be comparing it to...

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The Amazing Platypus

Posted on Feb 10, 2011 in Articles | 0 comments

When specimens of the duckbill platypus were first sent to England in the late 1700’s, many English scientists thought it was a fraud.  It plainly didn’t fit well in any of the categories of animals known at that time.  Was it a bird, a reptile, a mammal or a combination of all of these? The platypus is an extremely interesting creature.  It has fur like a mammal but it lays soft, leathery eggs like a reptile.  Usually 1-3 eggs are laid in a nest built by the mother...

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Ice Storms and Travel

Posted on Feb 8, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

With all of the travel we do for speaking, we are extremely grateful for safety on the road. Sometimes we are even more grateful. The other day we woke up to snow on the ground with blowing snow and ice freezing our car doors shut and road conditions which closed the schools. As much as we would have liked to huddle inside our host’s nicely warmed home and sip on hot tea, there loomed ahead a pressing need to brave the storm and travel to the next speaking location. The...

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How Firm a Foundation

Posted on Feb 4, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 1 comment

The words of the old hymn, How Firm a Foundation, have been running through my mind today. What a message to meditate on! How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word! What more can He say than to you He hath said, To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?  This firm foundation begins way back in the beginning in Genesis 1. “In the beginning, God …” What a comfort it is to know that God was there in the beginning … and He will be...

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Ants and Antifreeze

Posted on Feb 3, 2011 in Articles | 2 comments

Pun intended, but ants really do produce antifreeze, too!  Yep, it gets cold out there in the ground under a blanket of snow.  Since the ants don’t have their own central heating systems, they need to have a way to keep from freezing during the winter.  So the colder it gets, the more antifreeze is actually produced. Did this ability happen by chance over millions of years by mutation and natural selection as our evolutionist friends would claim?  Scientists have long...

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This Church Believes God’s Word!

Posted on Feb 2, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 1 comment

Mary Jo and I just finished doing a seminar at Grace Bible Church in Sherman, TX. The pastor of this church teaches solidly on the Biblical record of Creation, and the people are eager to increase their understanding of scientific evidence that supports the Biblical view. We enjoyed the informed and enthusiastic response, especially from the young people who are being trained to defend their faith with boldness and confidence. It is so good to be in a church like this. I...

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2010 Speaking Impacts Kids and Adults

Posted on Jan 28, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

2010 was a busy, “ministry-packed” year with 187 separate speaking/teaching events in 17 states (AZ, CO, CT, IL, KS, MN, MO, MT, NE, NM, OR, SD, TX, UT, WA, WI, WY) as well as internationally in India and The Netherlands. Of these 187 events, over 20 were multiple-day events of 5 to 12 days (VBS’s, camps, and extended field trip classes). Speakers reported a total of 439 speaking days (not including travel and layover days). That’s a lot of speaking for our 3 main speaking...

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Antarctic Fish with Antifreeze!

Posted on Jan 27, 2011 in Articles | 0 comments

Think of how many times we have said, “It sure is cold this winter.  Global warming nothing — it isn’t happening here!”  Sometimes it would seem our blood is ready to freeze in our veins.  So we crank up the heat in the house and head for the auto store to get extra antifreeze for the car.  We throw extra blankets on the bed and snuggle in with a good issue of Think & Believe for comfort! Bears hibernate in their dens and other animals put on thicker fur coats, but what...

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Wait Upon the Lord

Posted on Jan 26, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

The AOI Board met this past weekend to consider direction and set the budget for 2011. This January meeting is always vital as we seek the Lord together to discern His goals and budget for the year. We are so grateful for a Board that prays! This year, we face a very real challenge, as year-end giving was substantially down. Since we already operate on a very “lean” budget, cutting expenses by much would be detrimental to our ability to reach people with the truth of...

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Freaked Out!

Posted on Jan 21, 2011 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

I just received these thoughts from a man in Texas who we have had the privilege to help train in creation. What he reports really concerns me: The Spanish pastor at my church shared with me that our denomination’s theology conference was taking place at our local church and that there was a Genesis & Science session. Without even thinking about it (and doing my due diligence), I asked for a free pass to this session and eagerly attended. It all seemed fine and...

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Created by Nothing

Posted on Jan 20, 2011 in Stepaneks from the Front | 0 comments

I am writing a news article on the origin of everything, and wanted to blog on a couple of thoughts.  There are basically two ideas about how everything came to be.  One is that an intelligent “being” created all things.  As a Christian who believes the Bible is true, I say this intelligent “being” is none other than the eternal living God of the Bible,  Who has the power to do all things.  The second idea is that an eternal nothing created all things.  However, this idea...

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