Boulders and Mud Layers in Coal Formations

Posted on Jan 28, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Boulders in Coal Layers It has been generally thought that multiple layers of coal found in the eastern US came as the result of trees rotting in swamps over millions of years. In the midst of some of the richest layers of coal, large boulders of totally different rock are also found. Boulders do not grow in swamps, so it seems the trees that formed the coal were ripped up and floated in from a great distance. Perhaps on high seas during the Flood, trees rubbed against each...

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Fossil Butte

Posted on Jan 21, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Perfectly preserved fossilized fish found in the layers at the Fossil Butte National Monument indicate rapid burial of creatures rather than slow burial over millions of years. Fish are preserved without a fin out of place. The burial was so fast that one fish was trapped in the sediment while trying to eat his lunch. It had another fish in its mouth. Another fish was found squashed flat from top to bottom in swimming position as it tried to escape the weight of sediment on...

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Specimen Ridge

Posted on Jan 15, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Specimen Ridge in Yellowstone National Park consists of many layers containing standing petrified trees. These trees were assumed to represent 27 successive forests which were each buried by volcanic eruptions, separated by long spans of time. If this is right, why do trees in different layers have the same ring structure? Where are the soil zones between forests? Why are the roots broken off? The 1980 Mt. St. Helens eruption answered our questions and altered our view of...

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Split Mountain

Posted on Jan 8, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Split Mountain in the Anza Borego Desert in southern California is a monument to catastrophic flood geology. An earthquake split the 600 foot mountain ridge open and revealed it was composed chiefly of large, water-worn, boulders up to the size of a large dump truck. This pile of boulders would not have accumulated slowly and gradually over millions of years- since large boulders like that take a major, high velocity current to move.  Layer after layer of these boulders...

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Rapid layers and Badland topography at Mt. St. Helens

Posted on Dec 30, 2009 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

When Mt. St. Helens erupted, we saw how quickly hundreds of feet of geologic formations can form. Within days, several hundred feet of new layers were deposited. Many of these layers were created by catastrophic mud flows traveling at high velocities. Geologists were impressed with the fact that the layers were not jumbled masses of material, but very finely sorted layers. These fine layers were unexpected. They formed simultaneously as the result of flow patterns within...

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Formation of Coral Reefs

Posted on Dec 22, 2009 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

It has been argued that ancient petrified coral reefs, such as El Capitan Reef in New Mexico, would have taken a tremendous time to have formed -proving that the earth is very old. This could be a valid point; assuming corals grew in the past at the same rate as it does today (which is doubtful) and assuming El Capitan corals grew in situ (i.e. in place). Research has shown that El Capitan is not an ancient coral reef of in situ coral. Instead it is a mound of broken pieces...

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Stalactites and Time

Posted on Dec 10, 2009 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

We are told it takes a hundred years to form one inch of stalactite material. However, an underground wing of the Milwaukee Public Museum had a problem with the roof leaking. They boarded it up. Ten years later, stalactites were found which were 6 feet long. Using the normally accepted accumulation rate, we can calculate that the underground wing must be 7200 years old – making the museum the oldest building in North America!  Time is not the hero of the plot. It is...

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Carbon Dating

Posted on Dec 3, 2009 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Carbon Dating Is radiocarbon (C-14) dating accurate? The method relies on the false assumption that the amount of radiocarbon found in the atmosphere today is identical to what it was thousands of years ago. Since radiocarbon is produced in the upper atmosphere faster than it decays by radioactive decay, we likely have much more C-14 today than we had in the past. If an animal died under an atmosphere with half of the radiocarbon content than today’s, it would make it...

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Radiometric Dating

Posted on Dec 1, 2009 in Creation Nuggets | 1 comment

We are told the radioactive dating methods prove the earth is billions of years old. How do we know the results are accurate? We are always dating things of unknown age. The only way to tell is to date something of known age and judge the results. Recent lava flows in Hawaii were dated at 3 million to 1 billion years old by these methods; depending on where the sample was taken. Also volcanic lava which formed in the crater of Mt. St. Helens since 1980 was dated at 340,000...

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Rapid Petrification

Posted on Nov 19, 2009 in Creation Nuggets | 1 comment

How long does it take to petrify wood (i.e., turn it to stone) ? Not long!  Public service officials have reported instant petrified wood resulting from lightning strikes. It amazed the chain saw operators who tried to remove the stricken tree. Loggers were also responsible for other instant petrified wood. They accidentally felled a tree across a high voltage line. The power discharged into the ground producing intense heat, melting the ground. A tree sucked the molten...

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Rapid Oil Formation

Posted on Nov 13, 2009 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

We are told it takes vast amounts of time to form oil. However, oil can be produced today from garbage within a few hours. Naturally formed young oil has also been discovered coming out of undersea volcanic vents (1 mile deep) in the Guyamas Basin between mainland Mexico and Baja California. This young oil baffled researchers but showed oil can form rapidly. It is either being produced quickly as organic material circulates through and is naturally refined into oil within...

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Ida Is In Trouble!

Posted on Oct 22, 2009 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

“Ida” is in trouble! In May’s edition of T&B, I wrote about the fossil discovery, “Ida” which was touted to be your ancestor in one of the biggest media blitzes ever. Museum unveilings, magazine publications, and even a 2 hour TV Documentary regarding “Ida,” stated she was just what Charles Darwin would have hoped for to support his theory of evolution. One promoter of the fossil said this one will be in the textbooks for at...

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