Shakeups Continue Among Human Evolutionary Candidates

Posted on Jun 3, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

The theory of human evolution is taking yet another hit from recent scientific studies, from the first analysis of the Neandertal genome to painstakingly reconstructed Ardipithicus ramidus and Australopithecus sediba remains. The profusion of evolutionarily bias in media reports, however, can make it tricky to uncover the real evidence. What can science actually reveal about each of these and other specimens, as either candidates for human ancestry or as uniquely designed...

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Creating Synthetic Life

Posted on Jun 2, 2010 in Stepaneks from the Front | 0 comments

Recently in the media there has been a lot of hype about creating synthetic life or artificial life.  Did scientist really create life?  Could non-life evolve into living things?  Is abiogenesis (spontaneous generation) true?  Well, the answer to these questions is no.  Actually, these scientists continue to support the Law of Biogenesis that life only comes from pre-existing life. Let us look at the rest of the story.  It took the following: 20 highly ‘qualified and...

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Home Again

Posted on May 27, 2010 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

We often talk about “road time,” because that’s when we are “out there” speaking and connecting with people, but what about “home time?” Of course, when you first get home, there is unpacking, laundry, sorting mail, paying bills, touching bases with family, and “catching up” on business. Then, whatever you would “normally” do on weekends and evenings now needs to be squeezed into half the time. Home maintenance suffers and “To Do” lists mount up. Friends begin to think you...

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There is No Genetic Code for the Human Soul

Posted on May 27, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

“For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” James 2:26 The $250 million Human Genome Project is attempting to map all the human genes. Some observers have been saying that the human genome project will define what it means to be human. Such talk, however, is based on evolution. We are not the sum of our DNA. It is well known, for example, that two people can inherit the same weakness for alcohol. One may become an...

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Posted on May 25, 2010 in Johnsons from the Front | 0 comments

Now don’t get me wrong … I am a Young Earth Creationist and believe that each day of Creation was a literal 24 hour period. However, about a week before leaving on major road trips, I begin to wish God had made the days a little longer. Even with all the planning, there never seems to be enough time to get everything done. Get all the fluids changed in the vehicle to hopefully make it road worthy – Get all the repairs that NEED repairing on the home done  (the 2nd Law of...

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Colorado to Texas via Wyoming?

Posted on May 21, 2010 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

Grand Junction, CO, to San Antonio, TX, via Douglas, Wyoming? Not the most direct route, but with back-to-back homeschool conferences, it didn’t make sense to drive home in between. So we rented a car and set off for a packed 2 weeks. At the Wyoming conference, we ran a booth and did 9 hours of teaching for teens (2 of these sessions were combined with adults). Yes, the teens stayed awake, interested, and engaged, and we were grateful for the opportunity to reach this...

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Blahg, blahg, blahg

Posted on May 21, 2010 in Blog Posts | 0 comments

   Alpha Omega Institute has finally entered the blogosphere!  We are excited to add this new relational component to help us stay connected with you, our support and readership.  You can follow just one team, or all the teams.  Stay up to date as the Nuttings are on the road, as the Johnsons teach 100 kids from age 5 to 15 (prayer is always helpful – how do they do it!), follow Rich as he sets his sights on foreign lands, or catch up with the Galbraiths in their...

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New newsletter online

Posted on May 21, 2010 in Newsletter | 2 comments

We just wanted to let our partners and readership know that we are posting all of our Think and Believe and Kids Think and Believe, Too!  newsletters on our ever expanding website.  We have every single edition posted online, even back to the beginning – Yes, back to 1984.  We will be adding indexes (topical and chronological) in the near future for both publications.  You can read the two newest newsletters through our website at, or directly...

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Posted on May 21, 2010 in Johnsons from the Front | 0 comments

I had just finished teaching Fibonacci Numbers & The Divine Proportion: The Hand of God, in a small Texas church, when a smiling, very enthusiastic elderly gentleman approached me. He grabbed my hand and giving it a good shake exclaimed, “Young man (he was in his eighties), I have been to many revivals over the years, and I have to tell you … this is definitely one of the finest I have ever heard. Thank you young man for sharing your passion for God with us!” I was...

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Professor What Would it Take for You to Believe?

Posted on May 20, 2010 in Think & Believe Newsletter | 0 comments

Many years ago, Mary Jo & I spent a full evening answering a professor’s arguments for evolution and presenting a solid case for creation. About midnight it dawned on us that nothing was penetrating. We asked the professor what he would accept as evidence in favor of a Creator. He replied, “Absolutely nothing!” I wished we had asked that question 5 hours earlier!  Just recently we asked another professor the same question. His response was (rough quote from memory), “If...

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Creation Ministry in India

Posted on May 18, 2010 in Stepaneks from the Front | 0 comments

       Sue and I along with Allen and Molly Nance had the opportunity to travel to Hyderabad, India Jan. 19th though Feb. 4th.  We hit the ground running teaching a church seminar the evening we arrived.   Pastor Elisha of Zion Gospel Church (Hyderabad) planned our teaching schedule, and he kept us all busy.  Sundays were always our busiest days starting with an English speaking church at 7:30 a.m.   Then from 10:30 to 1:00 Sue and Molly taught the children, Allen taught...

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Spontaneous Generation

Posted on May 14, 2010 in Articles | 0 comments

For a long time people thought that living things came from non-living things … mud turned into frogs, old rags turned into rats, and rotten meat turned into white worms. In the late 17th century, a man named Francesco Redi did an experiment to see if meat did turn into worms. He put meat into two jars, one covered with fine gauze and the other left open. Redi observed that flies crawled all over the uncovered meat laying eggs, which later turned to fly larvae (white worms...

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