Netherlands Update 3: Babel and Revelation

Posted on Aug 3, 2010 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

The day started early Monday morning with pick up at 7:30 AM and a 1-1/2 hour drive through rainy but beautiful farm country to southern Holland. We were scheduled to teach through Friday at an evangelistic camp with over 120 Dutch young people, mostly of Chinese descent. The “camp” is actually in an old monastery in a very beautiful and peaceful country setting. It was a real treat for the young people to be there, since most of them live fast-paced city lives.  Teaching...

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Netherlands Update 2: Fringe Benefits

Posted on Jul 30, 2010 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

We arrived safely in Amsterdam over 16 hours after leaving our home – a little wrinkled, but glad for the opportunity to be here to do a packed schedule of creation teaching! Our hosts met us at the airport and took us to our hotel to freshen up and get a short nap before heading to church for a time of introduction, fellowship, and a taste of Chinese hospitality. Following that, we experienced some of the “fringe benefits” of a traveling ministry. First we were treated to...

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Hurrah for Ants!

Posted on Jul 29, 2010 in Articles | 0 comments

Many of us are familiar with the children’s counting song, “The ants go marching one by one…” Scientists have now discovered that at least some species of ants do appear to be counting their steps when they go marching out in search of food.  After training some desert ants to look for food in a specific location, scientists investigated how the ants could consistently locate the same source of food with seeming ease. It is known that ants will leave scent markers to guide...

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Netherlands Update 1: A Divine Appointment

Posted on Jul 29, 2010 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

As Christians, we pray and believe that God directs our paths each day, but sometimes He gives us clear confirmation of His leading. Upon receiving the invitation to teach in the Netherlands, we were not sure it was God’s timing, as we already had a very packed schedule for the summer. However, as we prayed, we became convinced that God was indeed opening the door for us to go. Our decision was confirmed on the second leg of our flight. When I noticed one of the flight...

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Teaching in the Netherlands

Posted on Jul 28, 2010 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

Please be praying for our teaching time in the Netherlands. We are excited to have the opportunity to teach  a week-long camp for 150 Dutch/English speaking young adults (ages 18-30) of Chinese heritage. We are also scheduled to speak at 2 churches during our time in the Netherlands. Please pray that God will prepare the hearts of those coming, and that He will enable good communication and comprehension. Pray for the Holy Spirit to empower us to speak the truth with grace...

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Traveling with a Geologist

Posted on Jul 23, 2010 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

Traveling with a geologist can be a real “experience!” I remember a time a few years ago when we were driving with our friend Johnathan in Minnesota. Johnathan was right in the middle of a deep spiritual discussion, when Dave suddenly flung his arm right in front of Johnathan and exclaimed, “Look at the ripple marks!” Fortunately, Johnathan had a good grip on the wheel and an ability to see through Dave’s arm to watch the road ahead! Over the years, we have traveled...

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Tropical Oasis

Posted on Jul 22, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

A short distance outside of Jackson Hole, Wyoming is a small town of Kelly. Approximately a mile away, following the road to Slide Lake, is a small pond. At first glance, it appears to be just an ordinary pond with weed covered edges. However, closer inspection reveals something quite out of the ordinary. Many pockets of bubbles arise throughout one end of the pond. Stick your little toe into the water and you discover the water is warm. Warm water is flowing out of the...

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Until They Know How Much You Care

Posted on Jul 22, 2010 in Stepaneks from the Front | 0 comments

I had a good week of senior high camp at Camp Salvation, which is located near the small town of Stonewall Gap, CO.  Usually my wife and family would attend camp with me. But, since my wife has been away from the children plenty this year and some of our children are now employed, I decided to travel alone.  I like to spend as much time with the campers as possible.  A good Christian friend of mind once said, ‘People don’t care what you say until they know how much you...

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Training: Is It Worth It?

Posted on Jul 21, 2010 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

Is the time, energy, and money spent on training worth it? We think so! Below are excerpts from a message we received recently from a former trainee in response to a recent prayer update. She writes:  Hi Dave & Mary Jo!    … So glad you are on twitter now!  If you post tweets, I will retweet them when I see them.     July 12-16 I’m headed to Chicago to do a Creation Geology Camp for grades 6 -12.  My first time for an audience of this age – and I’m...

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A Tropical Oasis

Posted on Jul 20, 2010 in Johnsons from the Front | 0 comments

A short distance outside of Jackson Hole, Wyoming is a small town of Kelly. Approximately a mile away, following the road to Slide Lake, is a small pond. At first glance, it appears to be just an ordinary pond with weed covered edges. However, closer inspection reveals something quite out of the ordinary. Many pockets of bubbles arise throughout one end of the pond. Stick your little toe into the water and you discover the water is warm. Warm water is flowing out of the...

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It Always Amazes Me

Posted on Jul 20, 2010 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

Mary Jo & I have just recently finished our session at Summit Ministries in Manitou Springs, CO (just west of Colorado Springs). It was a full session with about 180 high school and college age students who are there for 2 weeks of worldview training.  The students were quite interested in creation and had a lot of good questions.  Some of the students have never heard of evidence for creation and the problems with evolution and yet they in most cases, grew up in a...

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Astronomical Discoveries, Our Sun, and the Book of Isaiah

Posted on Jul 13, 2010 in Articles | 0 comments

Evolutionists like to claim that our Sun is merely an average star, just one among billions. There’s no reason to believe our Sun is unusual–or so they say. After all, if our Sun were special, that might support the idea that a benevolent Creator made it for us. Nevertheless, our Sun is special indeed. If you’ve seen my second astronomy DVD, you know that Chapter 6 shows how our Sun is unique. Recent discoveries continue to support this. As I pointed out in my DVD, stars...

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