Sanctity of Life

Posted on Oct 22, 2010 in Articles | 0 comments

I was asked recently to do a talk for Master Plan Ministries at Mesa State College ( The staff had heard my presentation on The Miracle of Life, Part 1, and felt it would be a good talk to present to their Christian college club Tuesday Night Live (TNL). This talk takes a look at the male reproduction system (a very conservative approach – no offensive graphics or terms) and why conception could never have even taken place unless...

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Lectures at the University of Minnesota

Posted on Oct 22, 2010 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

So far things are going well at the University of Minnesota. The design lecture seemed to connect with most of the students last night. During the Q&A time, students did not really question the weight of evidence for design which was presented. One student asked how I explained disease or when things don’t work as “designed.” My answer had to delve into the Biblical perspective: There was a creation with fabulous design, but there was a FALL by Adam and Eve leading to...

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Thank You for sending Us!

Posted on Oct 21, 2010 in Stepaneks from the Front | 0 comments

We are returning from a month of speaking in WY, NE, and SD.  It has been a fruitful time of teaching and fellowship.  While we were at Frontier School of the Bible in WY, we had the privilege of enjoying an Austrian breakfast at the home of Harald and Helga.  They had come to the U.S. several years ago in order to thank Christians for sending missionaries to their country, which resulted in their salvation.  Their hearts were filled with gratitude.  While here, they heard...

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Northern Illinois University Ministry

Posted on Oct 20, 2010 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

I recently finished speaking 5 nights to students at Northern Illinois University. I am now ministering to Minnesota universities and churches for a packed 2 weeks. Some nights at NIU we had really die-hard skeptics; yet other nights (Thursday), I had no verbal skeptic in the group. It seemed I was coming alongside to aide mostly Christian students. That is OK too. Two goals of AOI are to strengthen Christians and reach unbelievers. The first part is exactly what happened...

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Sitting On The Edge Of Their Seats

Posted on Oct 19, 2010 in Johnsons from the Front | 0 comments

Our last week on the road was jamb packed with children’s ministry.  After finishing a family program in south-east Minnesota, we traveled to Minneapolis/St. Paul area. There we taught at two Christian schools for 2 hrs at each location. That in itself is unusual; normally the schools will only let you have 30-45 minutes during their chapel time. However, I had taught an hour at one of the schools last year, and they were amazed how attentive the students were for the...

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Missing my missing missionary ministry missus

Posted on Oct 15, 2010 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

This speaking trip to Northern Illinois University, I had to do by myself. That is because Mary Jo has really pitched in to help with a health crisis with my parents. My dad is back at home now after 24 days in the hospital and rehab after surgery. I was glad I was able to be there for the first 18 of those days before heading to the scheduled university speaking times. (My dad was emphatic about me not cancelling anything!) Anyhow, not having MJ right alongside me as my...

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Great on the Frontier

Posted on Oct 15, 2010 in Stepaneks from the Front | 0 comments

We had a great week at Frontier School of the Bible.   I taught Monday through Friday during their chapel time.  Many of the students had questions, so there were plenty of discussions after chapel, at breaktime, and also during meals.  Some of the students desired extra creation information – so the afternoon proved a good time to teach on other creation topics.  The students and staff were very encouraged by the information and talks.  We also had the pleasure of...

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Ice Age and the Flood

Posted on Oct 14, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

To explain the Ice Age, think Flood. Post-flood oceans were likely quite warm, due largely to undersea vulcanism. Warm, moist air masses from these hot oceans dumped massive precipitation over the emerging cooler continents. Near the colder center of the continents and in the higher altitudes, tremendous amounts of snow would have accumulated leading to the Ice Age. The oceans finally cooled allowing the ice to recede. According to meteorologist, Michael Oard, in his books,...

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Coincidence or God-cidence ?

Posted on Oct 14, 2010 in Newsletter, Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

Do you believe in coincidences? I usually like to call them God-cidences. I was really up to my neck with things to do before the next speaking trip and needed to get the articles written quickly for the next issue of Think & Believe. The article I wanted to write to fit the flow of the issue was on the communications of honeybees. I made myself a note to begin doing research the next AM for some of the latest info on honeybee communication. Not having computer web...

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Posted on Oct 13, 2010 in Johnsons from the Front | 0 comments

After a seminar the other evening, an elderly gentleman (CW for short) came up to me an introduced himself. He had been a professor of physics at a nearby secular university for over 25 years, retiring a few years ago. I had noticed him during my talks that evening … he was seated with his wife and a friend, all with beaming smiles and nodding heads the whole time I spoke … public speakers love this type of person! He had heard the Nuttings speak in the early 90’s,...

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Continuing to Go Well

Posted on Oct 12, 2010 in Stepaneks from the Front | 0 comments

I just want to finish up the the details of our time at Cornerstone Bible Institute, again, things went very well.  Tuesday through Thursday, I had the opportunity to teach in Chapel and on Monday I taught the Genesis class.  I was able to cover Genesis chapters 2-3 in a subsequent Genesis class.  Wednesday evening I presented ‘The Folly of Dolly and Stem Cells’.  It was an eye opener for some people.  The teaching at Crawford, NE also went very well.  On Sunday morning, I...

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Thanks Upon Thanks

Posted on Oct 8, 2010 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

I just read Lanny’s blog (yesterday’s titled-The Right Choice)  where he was thanking Mary Jo & I for the Creation seminar we conducted many years ago. That seminar caused him to re-evaluate and finally reject his atheism and later come on staff with us at AOI.  I am just wondering how many, young and old, have now gone to Lanny and Marilyn’s presentations on Creation, have had their faith in evolution or Atheism challenged, and like Lanny are now walking with the...

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