Planning from the homestead

Posted on Nov 10, 2010 in Stepaneks from the Front | 0 comments

We are home for the holidays and busy scheduling our creation tours for next year.  I am planning to travel again to India in January and February.   Then in March and April, we will be in Iowa and Illinois.  I do have a few dates I need to fill. If you are reading this blog and know of some churches or organizations that would benefit from a creation seminar, please call the AOI office or myself at 970-263-4196.  The most difficult part of my job is planning a speaking...

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No Gap or Conflict

Posted on Nov 9, 2010 in Johnsons from the Front | 0 comments

Is there a gap of time between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2? Aren’t Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 two different, conflicting accounts of creation? These are two questions that are brought up frequently at AOI seminars. I recently spoke with Hebrew scholar Oliver Blosser (Ph.D., a professor at the University of Wisconsin, Hebrew scholar, Near East historian, and theologian) about these subjects. “The Jewish people have a basic outline of how they tell a story, an...

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Released From the Burden of Evolution!

Posted on Nov 5, 2010 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

“I’ve been released from the burden of evolution!” This was told to Mary Jo & I by a college student from China while we were speaking recently at the University of Minnesota. She said the release came after our programs we gave one year ago at the University. I can’t think of a better way to put it. It hit the nail right on the head! Evolution is indeed a big burden. It keeps young and old alike from responding to the Gospel or from growing heavenward in their faith...

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Standards of Proof

Posted on Nov 5, 2010 in Articles | 0 comments

In the midst of the creation/evolution debate, it’s helpful to step back from the evidence and consider the issue of proof standards.  Legal procedure generally recognizes two levels of proof. The first is “beyond a reasonable doubt.”It is the highest proof standard, and is considered necessary in order to deprive a person of life or liberty. It essentially means that guilt for a crime must be proved to the point that there is no other reasonable possibility. The second...

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Fertile Soil

Posted on Nov 4, 2010 in Johnsons from the Front | 0 comments

We have a Missions Banquet coming up this next week at the church my wife and I attend. We participated in this meeting last year where we were asked to speak about what we do in our ministry with AOI.  This year they asked that all the missionaries share a specific story about a person that they were able to minister to … and we are to do this in 5 minutes! Ouch! What a challenge to keep it to that short of a time period. All of the AOI speakers minister to thousands of...

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A True Servant of God

Posted on Nov 3, 2010 in Johnsons from the Front | 0 comments

This past week a very dear friend passed away to be with the Lord. I first met this Godly man (ER) when I was still an atheist. At that time, I was moonlighting to supplement our income in a troubled economy. I was cleaning a church of all things! There I met ER. Every year he would voluntarily spend hours and hours stripping the old wax from the gymnasium floor, and then reapply a fresh new coat of wax. It was hard work, which he did without a grumble … he even did it with...

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Teach Them When They’re Young

Posted on Nov 2, 2010 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

When you’re on the road as much as we are, it’s always fun to hear good news from home. The other day, our daughter-in-law, Elisabeth, wrote us the following message about our grandson, Samuel, who is just one year old: “Sometimes while I’m feeding Samuel before bed I tell him the story of creation. (I say sometimes b’c I definitely don’t do it every night.)  We usually make it fun and do animal sounds when it comes to day 5&6….he gets very...

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God’s Provision

Posted on Oct 29, 2010 in Johnsons from the Front | 0 comments

Since joining Alpha Omega Institute fulltime in January of 1994 we have seen God’s provision in so many ways … I could probably write a book on the gracious methods by which He has taken care of us. Let me share just a few of His provisions in the area of transportation; In California, a man approached us about the noise our truck was making. Smilingly he said, “It sure sounds like a diesel.” I assured him it was a gasoline engine; it was just in need of a...

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Theistic Evolution – Death Before Sin

Posted on Oct 28, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

Many Christians compromise with modern science by adopting Theistic Evolution – that God used millions of years of evolution as His method of creating. Besides the obvious fact that God said He created it, a huge theological problem exists.  According to Theistic Evolution, we have death before sin. In fact, millions of years of death preceded and produced Adam. However, the Bible says death came into the creation as the result of Adam & Eve’s sin. These are...

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Skeptics Abound

Posted on Oct 28, 2010 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

Teaching about creation at universities is always “interesting” – and often challenging. It’s refreshing when honest seekers come to hear an alternative to evolution. However, sometimes these seekers seem to be few and far between (or maybe they are just not as “vocal” as the skeptics who come simply to debate). Somehow it seems to be a badge of “intellectualism” to doubt, mock, and blaspheme the God of the Bible. Sadly, this “intellectualism” is really just pride which...

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In The Public School Arena: Highschool and University

Posted on Oct 27, 2010 in Stepaneks from the Front | 0 comments

In Harrison, NE, I had the unique opportunity to speak in a public school.  Over a two day period, I spoke to four different science classes.  Some of the students already believed in creation, so the teaching reinforced their beliefs,  but others were doubtful, and so the information was a challenge for them to rethink what they believe.  Many of the students also attended our evening seminars held at a local church.  We appreciate the Christian teachers in public schools,...

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Museum Worldview

Posted on Oct 26, 2010 in Johnsons from the Front | 0 comments

A woman in Minnesota shared that she had been to the Smithsonian National Museum in early 2009. After watching a movie on the origin of man, she asked one of the staff where the movie on Creation could be viewed. After being told the museum had no such movie, she asked to see one of the directors to protest this one-sided portrayal of origins. After many excuses about the unavailability of any of the directors she was given a Visitor Comment Form to fill out with her...

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