Hints of Life on Saturn Moon

Posted on Nov 20, 2010 in Think & Believe Newsletter | 0 comments

If you saw an article with this title, what would you think? Obviously, you’d think somebody had found evidence for life on one of Saturn’s moons. Well, the title is real. But its implication is not. The article appeared earlier this year in New Scientist [2], a respected scientific journal. It described an analysis of certain chemicals on Saturn’s moon Titan. The analysis did not reveal any evidence of life. Instead, evolutionists are speculating that...

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What is a Day?

Posted on Nov 20, 2010 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

How long is a day? Now this might seem like a silly question; however, some people believe the days of Creation that we read about in the book of Genesis in the Bible are long periods of time, not real, ordinary, 24 hour days. Believing that the millions of years that evolution teaches are true, they try to change how long a day of the Bible is to fit with these long ages. Some think the Bible teaches that each day of Creation can be a thousand years  …“But, beloved, be not...

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The Moon is dry, the evolutionary model is saved. Oops, maybe not. Never mind again

Posted on Nov 20, 2010 in Think & Believe Newsletter | 0 comments

In 2008, a shocking discovery was announced. Scientists had analyzed some lunar soils that Apollo astronauts had brought back from the Moon over 30 years earlier. They found that the soils contained traces of water. Not only that, the water was contained within tiny spheres of volcanic glass. This means that there’s water deep inside the Moon, not just on the surface. In fact, the concentration of water down there might even be comparable to the concentration of water...

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November/December Newsletter Online

Posted on Nov 19, 2010 in Newsletter | 0 comments

We wanted to let all of our readers know that we have posted the newest Think and Believe and Kids Think and Believe, Too! to the website. I have provided the links below.  New articles like “God Still Speaks” and “What is a day?” are there for your education and encouragement.  Please forward on links to our website to any friend who may be edified or challenged. Again, we would like to thank everyone who came in to help stuff the envelopes.  We...

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Posted on Nov 19, 2010 in Johnsons from the Front | 0 comments

One of the joys of being home between traveling ministry events is being able to spend time with our families. We are very fortunate – both of our daughters and their families live in the Grand Junction area, so we get lots of grandkid time. My wife loves to not only babysit the grandkids, but she also gets her hand into being able to homeschool them on a regular basis. Actually, she is so attached to her grandkids that it seems to be getting harder and harder to get her...

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Posted on Nov 18, 2010 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

I am amazed how much young children, even 6 or 7 years old, can grasp! A young girl listened intently as I began my sermon at her church. Without telling the congregation that I was role-playing and pretending to be an evolutionary teacher, I threw out a barrage of short “scientific facts,” supposedly supporting evolution. I also included some supposed contradictions in the Bible. With each one I asked, “How can you believe your Bible when we know ______. . . ?“  Some in...

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Bible’s Records of Creation-Written in Legalese?

Posted on Nov 18, 2010 in Articles | 0 comments

Surveying the sordid history of our world, it’s obvious that social relations between humans are often plagued by misunderstanding.  A lot of this misunderstanding is due to unclear language. To address this chronic human problem, we have established courts of law.  Courts, in turn, have developed their own distinctive method of communicating clearly.  Lawyers employ a language style known to non-lawyers as “legalese.”  One of the main features of “legalese” is repetition. ...

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African Mosquito is fulfilling God’s mandate

Posted on Nov 18, 2010 in Stepaneks from the Front | 0 comments

The African Mosquito is fulfilling God’s mandate to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.  The African Mosquito, which transmits most of the malaria in sub-Saharan Africa is adapting to a different habitat.  One variation (the M type) is adapted to where there is a more permanent supply of water, and now another variation (the S type) is adapting to short-lived bits of water. Is that evolution? No. The two varieties are physically indistinguishable from each other...

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Answered Prayer!

Posted on Nov 16, 2010 in Johnsons from the Front | 0 comments

This past Sunday, I recieved the blessing of being in attendance at my oldest grandson’s baptism. He had put his faith and trust in Jesus earlier this year on Good Friday. We had taken him and his brother to an exhibit of Jesus’ crucifixion at a nearby church. There were several stations set up to show different aspects of the crucifixion, ending with a cross. Around the cross had been placed many scraps of paper upon which people could write their sins, and...

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Bobcats In The Yard

Posted on Nov 12, 2010 in Johnsons from the Front | 0 comments

Looking out our front window at dusk, I saw what I thought was a raccoon sitting in a willow tree that blew over this summer. It was dining on a deer carcass that I had wedged on the trunk that morning. We get a lot of raccoons and skunks on our property, so I wasn’t overly surprised to see one enjoyed a free treat. As I watched, the critter lifted its head. Now I was surprised! The raccoon was actually a full grown bobcat! With my nose and eyes now glued to the...

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More “Living Fossils”

Posted on Nov 11, 2010 in Articles | 0 comments

For the Laotian Rock Rat it was a day like any other.  Then the men started chasing him.  Running for his life, he was determined not to end up in a meat market like the rest of his family.  Finally, he tired and was captured.  Instead of knives, however, these men carried cameras.  After some pictures, he was gently returned to the rocks from which he was taken.  What was the occasion?  Why the special treatment? Meanwhile, deep in the Coral Sea, an innocent shrimp-like...

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Creation Teaching Makes a Difference

Posted on Nov 11, 2010 in Nuttings from the Front | 0 comments

In my last blog, I wrote about the college student who recently told us that because of our creation programs at the University of Minnesota one year ago, she was “released from the burden of evolution.” Another encouraging report from that speaking trip was from a high school girl. Two weeks ago she asked to give a testimony during our presentations at a Youth for Christ rally in Minnesota. She related how one year before she was losing her faith in God because of all the...

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