“Supermassive Black Holes are too big to have formed naturally within the big bang time frame.19
The problem of the existence of SMBHs was made worse in December 2017 when the most distant SMBH was found at Z =7.54. This redshift converts to just 690 million years in big bang age, 5 % of the big bang’s claimed 13.8-billion-year-old universe. The problem for naturalistic history, is how did a black hole 800 million times more massive than the sun accrete in such a short time!”
Scientists are trying to come up with explanations, but currently, it is more of a problem for the big bang models, which currently makes the “Creator Model” more reasonable, right?
Read more details here: https://creation.com/the-james-webb-space-telescope
Picture from: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/black-hole-nebula-stars-space-2483571/ accessed 1/6/23.