“The amount of the gases argon, krypton and xenon in Jupiter is about three times more than that predicted by evolutionary models. The only place where these gases could have accumulated is beyond the orbit of Neptune, about 5 billion kilometres beyond where Jupiter is today. Could Jupiter have formed way out there and then moved inward to its present position? No, there’s not enough material there, so far from the sun, to form a planet as large as Jupiter. And if planetesimals containing these gases did form out there and move inwards towards the sun, they would have lost whatever quantities of these gases they contained, as they warmed up. 2
A much better explanation, and one that avoids these problems, is that Jupiter was formed by God and recently, as Genesis Chapter 1:14–19 claims.”
Read more here: https://creation.com/ planets-jupiter
Picture from: https://pixabay.com/photos/solar-system-sun-mercury-venus-439046/ accessed 1/6/23.