If Evolution has occurred due to mutations occurring randomly over long periods of time, then the human genome would just be filled with extra stuff – “Junk DNA”.
The Encode Project “undermined the “junk DNA” myth and simultaneously fulfilled an ID prediction: that non-coding parts of the genome would prove functional. Junk-DNA proponents like Dan Graur were upset at the time, admitting as Jonathan Wells reported, “If ENCODE is right, evolution is wrong.”
Well, ModENCODE (ENCODE for model organisms) found “unprecedented complexity” in the fruit fly genome in 2014, then “ENCODE 2” followed up with more discoveries of function. Now, ENCODE 3 has just finished submitting its reports, with record numbers of DNA annotations listed, and ENCODE 4 is gearing up. Nothing like a little overkill to drive the point home: “… then evolution is wrong.” Look at how much constructive science is being done with the assumption that DNA elements are there for a purpose.”
Read more here: https://evolutionnews.org/2020/08/next-phase-of-encode-finds-more-functional-information-in-genome-junk/
Picture from: https://pixabay.com/photos/dna-heritage-helix-proteins-3598439/ accessed 1/6/23.
Most thinking people new this about evolution long ago. It doesn’t have explanatory or predictive value. It has no concrete evidence only interpretations and story telling. So now that the truth is out, do you think any evolutionist will concede? Not a chance.
Yes, it is sad that scientists often say they need evidence, but then when evidence is presented they are unwilling to believe it…it is ultimately a spiritual/heart issue!