“A skyscraper begins with a plan, compiled by a team of architects and engineers. Even a very large tree begins with a tiny seed, often no bigger than a pinhead. But it is crammed with complex programmed information that controls its development into a living giant (see box [in the article]).
It takes a mountain of materials such as cement, sand, and steel to be brought to the site to build a skyscraper. But the tree seedling accomplishes the build-up of its body—the root system, the bole (trunk) and the crown—on site, just utilizing raw materials surrounding it. It uses the water delivered by the rain, the carbon dioxide and the oxygen1 from the surrounding air, and the nutrients dispersed through the soil around its roots.
Not only that, but the energy that makes possible the building of its impressive structure does not have to be generated elsewhere and channelled to the building site. The energy of the sun is captured by special organs of the trees, called leaves.”
Read more here: https://creation.com/trees
Picture from: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/skyline-city-building-architecture-2793719/ accessed 1/6/23.