“Jupiter has some 79 small moons, and NASA lists over 50, i.e. the majority, as having retrograde orbits. This means they orbit Jupiter in the opposite direction to which Jupiter and the other Jupiter moons rotate. This is another huge problem for the nebular hypothesis, and involves special pleading by evolutionists, such as that these moons were captured by Jupiter from solar orbits. However, for a space probe to go into orbit around a planet requires that it approach the planet at the right angle and speed to prevent it either hitting the planet or being flung away from it. The notion that every single one of Jupiter’s 50 retrograde moons would have been travelling at the right angle and the correct velocity to go into orbit around Jupiter and thus avoid hitting it or being slingshotted away into space, is a massive assumption.”
Read more here: https://creation.com/ planets-jupiter
Picture from: https://pixabay.com/photos/jupiter-planet-space-outer-space-5564142/ accessed 1/6/23.