“Some people don’t want to teach their children about evolution at all, and simply trust that because they have been taught the biblical account, they will be equipped to answer evolutionary theory if they encounter it later in life.
So prevalent is this attitude, in fact, that popular Christian satire website Babylon Bee recently published an article entitled, “Congregation Prays Graduating Senior Be Protected From Basic Secular Arguments They Never Bothered To Prepare Her For.”1”
Most colleges indoctrinate students with the evolutionary perspectives, because they don’t allow alternative views. That truly is indoctrination! Education is teaching and evaluating, comparing and contrasting multiple views in an honest manner to come to the knowledge of the Truth!
Students need to know both sides to be well equipped with answers to adequately defend their faith!
We want to teach them not that evolution is true, but the evidence for or against it so that they will see that the evidence doesn’t actually support evolution.
Read more here: https://creation.com/best-defense-strong-offense