What is the best and simplest explanation for Uranus??
(Remember Occam’s Razor – the simplest explanation is often the best)
Uranus is assumed to have more Shepherd moons to keep its rings together or maybe the rings more simply indicate that Uranus is not billions of years old!
“concerning the origin of Uranus, as we have previously said, from a practical point of view, expanding gases don’t reverse their expansion because of gravity, they disperse; and colliding rocks don’t coalesce, they shatter one another. Moreover, from an ideological point of view, if you claim the nebular hypothesis (i.e. a rotating cloud of gas and dust coalescing) as your theory for the origin of each of the planets in the solar system, the fact that Uranus is spinning ‘the wrong way’ (i.e. retrograde) compared to the rest of the system, means that the theory is falsified. And the fact that there is a second planet, Venus, that also spins ‘the wrong way’, means that the theory is falsified twice!”
If that’s not enough, the planet is on its side orbiting (or more so rolling around) the sun. To explain this tilt of axis, many consider that it must have had a massive impact in the past, but there are many evidences that seem that idea as highly unlikely if not impossible!
See more about this here: https://creation.com/planets-uranus-and-neptune