Evidence against the Big Bang!

Posted by on Jun 11, 2020 in Creation Nuggets | 0 comments

“Don’t we read, even in the daily newspapers, about many ‘observations’ that only ever seem to support the big bang? In fact, these prominent secular scientists say:

‘Even observations are now interpreted through this biased filter, judged right or wrong depending on whether or not they support the big bang. So discordant data on red shifts, lithium and helium abundances, and galaxy distribution, among other topics, are ignored or ridiculed.’”

“As these big-bang opposers point out:

‘Giving support only to projects within the big bang framework undermines a fundamental element of the scientific method—the constant testing of theory against observation. Such a restriction makes unbiased discussion and research impossible.’”

These quotes demonstrate the fact that personal bias is often – if not always – a major factor in scientific exploration.

Quote from Carl Wieland, Secular scientists blast the big bang, March 2005, http://creation.com/secular-scientists-blast-the-big-bang.


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