“What about the universe? The currently favoured evolutionary cosmology is the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) model. Apparently it’s the best solution and the one we should all believe, subject to a few kinks being ironed out sometime in the future (e.g. the ‘Axis of Evil’—yes, that’s literally what scientists are calling it). However, the ΛCDM model is starting to look like software that has a new hot-fix each time a bug emerges:
— ‘The mass of the universe isn’t adding up—so let’s postulate some type of invisible mass, called dark matter (DM).’
— ‘The universe is (supposedly) accelerating and we don’t know whence the energy—so let’s propose a type of energy that just does this, called dark energy (DE).’
The very definition of DM and DE is ‘something that explains what we didn’t expect to see, without affecting other things we can actually see’.”
Read more about this here: https://creation.com/science-of-the-gaps