I had just given a presentation to a Sunday school class in Austin, Texas. My topic was “How Can You Believe the Bible in Light of the ‘Facts’ of Evolution?” Pretending to be an atheist professor, I hit the young adults with a barrage of “proofs” for evolution and other arguments for why the Bible could not be trusted.
Switching gears, I then tore apart many of those arguments showing that they were totally false or misleading even though they came right out of textbooks or off the lips of teachers and professors. My point to them was that they should stand firmly on the Truth of God’s Word.
Right after that, the church worship team led in a powerful song called “My Generation.” The chorus of that song was:
How do we feel? How do we feel?
My Generation is aching for real
Dying for love, crying for truth
My Generation is aching for You
–Starfield, Beauty in the Broken, 2006.
Afterwards, some of the younger generation stood in applause to the message of that song. It certainly touched me as well, especially knowing that so many young people in churches all over the country have fallen for the persuasive arguments of evolutionary teaching. Many of these young people who stood in applause have friends who are no longer joining them in church because they have accepted the lie of evolution. I certainly wish they would have been there to hear my Sunday school message and would also “cry for truth” –the Truth of the Bible – in their classrooms.
Dave Nutting
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